Conference Host Pastor Khanh Huynh
At the Revival Conference of the Vietnamese Baptist Church, the Lord was gracious to use us to train hundreds of mostly Vietnamese believers from around the world. Servants of God whom we had the pleasure of training in past years from other states and other nations as far away as Vietnam and Australia came up to greet us. Some of them shared that after we trained them years ago the Lord used them powerfully in miraculous healing for the sake of the gospel. We were encouraged to hear that today the Lord is restoring the spirit and power of Elijah to His people for the fulfillment of the Great Commission.
Toward the end of the Basic Training afternoon session, the believers laid hands on the infirm to minister healing just as they had just been taught. See the photos of the demonstration below. Afterward, several came up to the stage to testify—some dramatically—that the Lord had miraculously healed them. One Vietnamese gentleman in a wheelchair testified that hearing to his deaf ear had been restored. The Lord had graciously confirmed the teaching and demonstrated that his Vietnamese disciples had indeed been given authority to heal the sick and cast out demons for the proclamation of the Kingdom of God to the lost.
April 2009 Update
One of the Vietnamese pastors who attended the Houston Training held a large Crusade in a stadium in Vietnam on Resurrection Day 2009. It was reported that 16,000 people were in attendance on the third and final day. Many miraculous healings in the crowd took place as the pastor ministered healing-at-a-distance (as Jesus did in Luke 7). They came forward to testify what the Lord had done for them. 1,500 Vietnamese accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior after hearing the gospel and seeing the miracles.
People suffering from pain in the chest come forward for healing during the initial demonstration of healing
Sister Sarah (center) had chronic pain in her chest and shoulders because of a damaged nerve in her neck
After the laying on of hands and the exercise of authority given by the Lord to His disciples, Sarah is completely healed and weeps, burying her face in Brother Bill’s hand
Now healed, Sarah along with another sister lay hands on a woman (center) who was suffering from pain in several places on her upper body, including her chest
Above & below: The woman is completely healed by the power of God and sobs in gratitude to the Lord who has dramatically touched her
“Thank you for your grace, Lord…”
Then believers come forward and lay hands on all those with infirmities who want to be healed in Jesus’ name
Sisters lay hands on a woman (in rear wearing white and black top) with a knee problem
She testifies that the Lord has healed her knee
Man in blue shirt is healed of deafness in one ear
Pastor Khanh Huynh receives testimony from woman who is healed
More testimonies above and below…