Amanda Ortiz, Encourager Church, Houston
This trip coupled with The Elijah Challenge teachings changed my perspective as a Christian dramatically. I realized we as Christians pray for one another’s sicknesses, but we do not cast out (or heal, rebuke) the sickness in the name of Jesus. I learned there is a time to pray and a time to cast out (heal) in the name of Jesus. Most importantly, I realize I need to draw closer to Jesus to receive revelation of the authority He has given me, because I exhausted myself when ministering healing to the sick. Just imagine if all Christians knew their authority in Christ.
I would personally promote and encourage others to join one of the future mission trips because it takes you out of your comfort zone. It also exposes you to another culture, which gives you insight of how to pray for that country. In addition, as you give of yourself, you allow God to grow and use you.
One of the most dramatic miracles of healing I witnessed as I ministered in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ in Minia (Upper Egypt) was with a man who had a lump on the right side of his shin. The lump was about the size of a medium lemon. I placed my hands on the lump and began to cast out (rebuke) the pain and swelling. I did this several times, but the lump and pain were still there. At one point the man said he felt something come from my hand into the lump. By this time, my interpreter and I got our second wind of confidence and continued to cast out (and rebuke) in the name of Jesus. The Lord was faithful to move on our behalf and the lump went down to the size of a grape. Praise the Lord! This might sound like a small miracle, however this was my first experience of seeing a mountain actually move. I give all glory to Jesus Christ!