“The other day, Anna and I went for a massage each. It was my birthday and a massage was part of Anna’s gift to me (she had a massage too).
Anyway, our usual person was booked out on the day so she had one of her colleagues do both massages for her. Anna had her massage first and enjoyed it so much she fell asleep on the lounge afterwards.
When it was my turn, I went in there and lay on the table and had the oil applied. All of a sudden, God told me that the massage lady had a spirit of condemnation, loss and regret on her and that I should cast it out of her in Jesus’ name.
I had never seen her in my life before. But, believing it was God, I told her that I believed that she was battling with condemnation, loss and regret. God started talking to her through me. Everything that was said was 100% accurate.
She had to stop massaging me because the spirit of God overwhelmed her and she sobbed uncontrollably. She said that she had never told anyone about her issue but she knew that God sent me because the words were completely true.
“She was a complete “mess” at the end of
the session…the love of God covered her”
When she regained her composure, she started to massage me again. God started to minister to her again throughout the whole massage through my words. He told her that she was loved, accepted and unique. God told her that he made her with unique DNA because she is His masterpiece, a one of a kind. He doesn’t make junk and He is pleased with her and proud of her. He has always and will always love her. All he wants in return from her is a relationship. He wants to know her personally and He wants her to know Him.
Anyway, she was a complete “mess” at the end of the session. The love of God covered her. Both Anna and I got to pray over her and command the enemies of depression, low self-esteem, self-condemnation, regret, bitterness and unforgiveness to leave, in Jesus’ name. We also asked the Holy Spirit to come and fill her with love, peace and acceptance. We told her that happiness is spiritual and that we cannot be truly happy unless or until we are in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
We told her how to pray and that God promises to be found by those that seek Him with their whole heart.
It was an amazing session and it was completely random and unexpected. But all glory to the King. It is such a precious privilege to be used by Him to speak to people. It never gets boring.”
-Don & Anna Parbery serve the Lord in Australia
May 2015