Reports from Butch & Janet Berner
Butch and his wife Janet first trained with The Elijah Challenge in Zambia in February 2005. They have since trained many other servants of God with The Elijah Challenge.
August 2009
“Great news and God be praised! I had an Elijah Challenge Basic Training last week with 3 nights of training. We saw many healed of aches and pains. People were healed of leg problems and they were walking, Three people were healed of demons and spirits of infirmity. The result was that about 30 repented and prayed for salvation. Three of them came to church last Sunday and many were to be visited this week.”
Report from Light of Africa August Newsletter
“Butch has been teaching the Elijah Challenge for several local
pastors this month. Early August he taught at Pastor Jerry’s
church, a former student from when we first began in Zambia. It was amazing standing under the African sky, hearing the praise and worship music and seeing the people come from the Highlands Subdivision of Livingstone. Dusty roads, setting sun, kids abound. It was very humbling to be a part of this event! We witnessed many healings during the meeting, most importantly, we saw those same healed individuals, along with others, come forward to make a decision for Jesus Christ as Savior. We praise God for this harvest.“