“Greetings to you in Jesus’ precious name.

 So glad to receive such powerful reports in each of our workers meeting from our harvest field. God is doing great things through our Elijah Challenge workers. Here in India, where 70% of the population lives in villages overshadowed by superstition, the news we hear from the outside is bad. Almost every day in the villages people are killed when they doubt the effectiveness of witchcraft and black magic. That compels us to accelerate our work in the Lord’s harvest field during these Last Days. Please pray for us.


A woman named Gomati Vaisal had been demonized. From time to time she would cause severe problems for her family before the other villagers. They her to several temples as well as to a hospital, but to no avail. The demon would shout, “I will destroy her and family…I will not leave her” and much more.

Somehow the family heard about our Elijah Challenge workers, and called them to their home. While ministering to her they found a very expensive amulet (given by a sorcerer) clutched in her hand. The family was too frightened to take away the amulet, but our workers removed it from her hand. The demon then left and they all accepted Christ.
Extraordinary reports from our harvest workers in India

The Elijah Challenge equips harvest workers to reach resistant people groups effectively and fruitfully by training them to heal the sick miraculously as Jesus did (John 14:11-12)—as irrefutable and compelling evidence that Jesus is the Messiah and the only way to the One True God who created the heavens and the earth.
Mambali had suffered from a problem in her uterus for three months. She was in the hospital and in very much pain. After returning from the hospital the problem recurred to the severe disappointment of her family as they spent much money. Our Elijah Challenge workers went to their village and ministered to her. She was healed, she believed, and her whole family accepted Christ. 

In a village called Nalakhambari a man named Kalaka had gone insane for around six months. His family had taken him to different places for treatment. Even after many brain scans no problem was diagnosed. For three hours our Elijah Challenge workers ministered to him. His mind was restored, and he was normal again. His family and his brother’s family accepted Christ.

Gajura was suffering from cancer. Despite the treatment he underwent the suffering went unabated. Our Elijah Challenge workers stayed at his home for one week, and ministered to him continuously. After that he was miraculously healed from the terrible affliction. The entire family and a relative accepted Christ, and a house church has started up in their home.

Mangas had been demonized for a week. He had been taken to a sorcerer but the demon would not leave him. Some people brought him to our house church fellowship on a Sunday. For a half hour he created a disturbance during the meeting. But after our workers ministered to him, he was delivered.”

Glory to God!