Report on Stadium Impact from San Francisco

Pastor Rich Kinney of Revival Generation Ministries gives his report

“During the evening Stadium Impact the Lord showed His mighty power by giving the evangelist, Brother Bill, a word of knowledge that a person was suffering with a painful front thigh. A Baptist pastor came down onto the field. He had injured his front thigh muscle two months prior while playing baseball and had been unable to participate in sports since then. He was reluctant to agree to test the thigh for healing when asked by the evangelist, “Would you be willing to test it tonight for us to show that Jesus Christ is present to heal?” But after prayer and the command to be healed, the pastor carefully began to test it, squatting slightly, then more, until he squatted completely down on the stadium field. He was so amazed and excited; he jumped up and took off jogging backwards and forwards on the track of the football field a short distance and back. He testified it was completely well and free of pain.

There appeared to be no unbelievers in attendance at the time of the altar call, but the trained believers enjoyed seeing more healing miracles at their hands at the close.

We are grateful for all the saints who helped to bring this outreach in our region together. And we are encouraged that the Kingdom of God has increased in our region!”