Rev. Emmanuel A. Rhema, Crusade Evangelist in Africa


“It is now fourteen years since I have been with you. I count myself highly privileged to have been trained by you. Today I am known as one of the outstanding healing ministers of God, and I can say with confidence that I have trained more people in Nigeria, if not Africa, than any other minister.

In Africa no one wants to teach others what they know because they want to be a one-man-show superstar. But I set apart a day in all my programs to train them as you trained me—with very sensational results. Many whom I have trained are very effective even in training others just as I have trained them.”

“I want to sincerely and deeply appreciate your love toward me over the years. The Elijah Challenge Training has made my walk with God very sweet. It has made the work of the ministry committed into my hands easy and very successful. Through the knowledge you imparted to me [beginning in 2004 when you came to Nigeria], I have grown much. Today I travel far and wide across my nation conducting major meetings with massive miraculous evidence which has brought many souls to the Lord.
I have also taught so many ministers and believers the same thing you taught me—which is also producing results in their lives and ministry. If I had not met you and received your Spirit-filled teachings, I would definitely have remained backward and would have continued to struggle in the ministry.
I want to say thank you for being there for me, for the financial aid you gave me, for paying my house rent, and for standing by me during my marital challenges. Today my wife and children are doing well. Thank you for the trust you put in me, connecting me to other nations. I appreciate you, sir. I want to celebrate you, mama your wife, your children, The Elijah Challenge as well as all the ministers and believers connected to the vision [God has given you].
I say “God bless…thank you.”

Your son,

Emmanuel A. Rhema

All manner of sickness and disease were healed—some even experienced immediate weight loss up to 30 kilograms

Early Reports from Emmanuel after he trained with The Elijah Challenge