Reports from our trained “Luke 10” harvest workers in India

Training disciples today as Jesus trained his disciples

  • “We are receiving hundreds of reports of miraculous healings each month from our harvest workers. I am sending only some selected ones.”
  • “Almost each and every day we receive reports like the ones below.”
  • “Last Sunday in a single day 11 house churches were planted in 11 newly-reached villages through our Elijah Challenge harvest workers.” (August 13, 2019)

At the current pace our trained harvest workers will have reached 10,000 souls this year (2019) alone, and by the end of 2020 will have planted 700 house churches within the space of three years.

Man possessed by demons after cutting down their tree set free by our harvest workers after well-known sorcerer fails after repeated attempts

Severely demonized woman set free after Elijah Challenge workers boldly confiscate expensive amulet given by sorcerer; family accepts Christ

Man paralyzed for many years and expected to die miraculously healed before astonished villagers; five families accept Christ

Paralyzed man healed; woman with stroke healed; man miraculously saved & restored after bitten by deadly cobra

INDIA: barren woman to be divorced by husband three months pregnant; now both attending house church

Man who committed suicide apparently brought back to life; four families accept Christ & house church planted

Sick woman devoted to Hindu goddess miraculously healed in Jesus’ name and now believes in Jesus Christ only

Man dying from snakebite wakes up; another dying from heart disease miraculously healed; new house church planted

Frightened demon leaves tormented man immediately after servants of God arrive—even before they utter a word

Man bitten by snake in middle of night expected to die, but was astonishingly healed by the Lord…he believed and gave up smoking and drinking

Rohi Das miraculously healed from incurable kidney disease; he and family accept Christ and join house church

Poor widow robbed of meager savings appeals to our workers; after prayer the money miraculously re-appears at her back door…and much more!

After trying everything and failing to drive out vicious demon from young man, sorcerer advises family to call Elijah Challenge workers

Persecuting neighbors repent and accept Christ after new believers minister miraculous healing to their sick family member

Man with incurably decaying hand miraculously healed: entire village amazed, church planted

Elderly man suffering from chronic heart disease now runs with no problem; goes around testifying Jesus healed him

Man’s bent crooked leg miraculously straightened; welcomes house church into his home

Hospital nurses refer seriously-ill kidney patient to Elijah Challenge workers!

INDIA: “Haunted house” nearly abandoned by family now venue for house church

Village chief turns to Jesus after abusive husband in village delivered from alcohol remotely at a distance; church planted in chief’s home

Bedridden woman suffering for years gets up & walks following extraordinarily persistent ministry

Village chief plus 9 families accept Christ after miraculous healing; church planted in his home

Diabetes, asthma, demonization, extreme chest pain miraculously healed in Jesus’ name

Stomach tumor shrinks & vanishes through the magnificent healing power of Jesus Christ

Sickle Cell Anemia healed; water miraculously appears in dry well; speech impediment healed as in Mark 7:33

The Elijah Challenge equips harvest workers to reach resistant people groups effectively and fruitfully by training them to heal the sick miraculously as Jesus did (John 14:11-12)—as irrefutable and compelling evidence that Jesus is the Messiah and the only way to the One True God who created the heavens and the earth.

INDIA: Perseverance in ministering to the sick and possessed results in extraordinary miracles

“Our workers are going from village to village, healing the sick, casting out demons, and preaching the gospel”

INDIA: Dying new mother miraculously healed, mute 4-year-old speaks, stomach tumor disappears in Jesus’ name.

Thirty “Chamars” from the downtrodden Dalit tribe in India accept Christ after sick children miraculously healed by Jesus

Childless wife gives birth to baby & marriage restored; mental disorder miraculously healed

Remote village turns to Jesus Christ after frightening demonic manifestations cease

Satrughna & Uttara powerfully set free from demon attacks

Kidney failure, severe jaundice, heart disease, tumor miraculously healed; demon attack ceases in Jesus’ name

Man with terminal kidney disease experiences the Lord’s miraculous healing power

Photo: a house church & newly-reached village

The sick miraculously healed, demons cast out in Jesus’ name, the unreached accept Jesus Christ

Following Jesus Christ in water baptism

PERSISTENCE in ministering healing with power and authority results in amazing miracles & fruitful harvests

Kidnap victim miraculously released in India; 11 house churches planted in 12 days in April 2019

INDIA: Astonished crowd gathers around man mute for 12 years as he begins to speak

INDIA: Eighteen house churches planted so far in March 2019 (as of March 23) in unreached villages

INDIA: Powerful demons cast out result in 4 new house churches

INDIA: Nineteen house churches planted in the month of January

100 house churches with 3,000 new believers in India planted in one year by 72 newly-trained workers

Trained workers in India healing the sick and proclaiming the kingdom of God – September 2018

28 new house churches planted by trained workers: January-August 2018

Reports of the miraculous with Elijah Challenge workers in the harvest field of India

INDIA: Witchcraft and false gods put to shame by the Living God through trained disciples

Reports of the miraculous with trained workers in the harvest field of India (Luke 10:2)

Finding the “man of peace” of Luke 10 through a powerful miraculous healing

“Ordinary” harvest workers in India doing the miraculous works that Jesus did (cf. John 14:11-12)

Village chief in India accepts Jesus Christ following miraculous healing of demon-possessed daughter

Training local gospel workers in India as Jesus trained his disciples in the gospels

God uses newly-trained disciples to heal man suffering from severe stroke; family believes

Boy in India miraculously healed from sickle cell anemia; five Hindu families accept Christ

Miraculous healings bring resistant Hindus to Christ in Orissa, India

Dying Hindu leader in India healed in Jesus’ name, accepts Christ

INDIA — Disciples going from village to village & door to door fulfilling Luke 10:9