Mao Village in Manipur, India - March 2000

Manipur, North India


Senapati, India - September 2000

 Senipati, North India


Blind man sees in Togo Mass Crusade - January 2002

Africa: blind man sees


Blind man testifies: "I can see!"

Africa: blind man testifies


Multitudes come to Christ in Manipur - September 2000

North India


Boy born blind (2nd from left) begins to see in above Open-air Crusade

Blind boy testifies in North India


Open-air Crusade near Trivandrum, Kerala, South India - December 2001



Woman (far right) testifies her cancer has disappeared at Healing Encounter for believers in Tamil Nadu, South India - December 2001

India: woman healed from cancer testifies


Healing Encounter for believers at which woman above was healed of cancer

 Tamil-Nadu, India


Mass Crusade in North India - September 2000

North India


Blind woman testifies that Jesus has opened her eyes at Crusade in Togo, West Africa - January 2001

 Africa: blind woman can see


Woman in Togo Crusade testifies joyfully of her healing through the name of Jesus

 Africa: woman testifies of miraculous healing


Open-air Crusade, Togo, West Africa, January 2001



"Jesus has healed me!"


Woman testifies of healing

Testimonies of miraculous healing in Africa


Man testifies of miraculous healing

Africa: miraculously healed


Ministering "mass healing" in the name of Jesus

Africa: ministering to the people


Healing Encounter in Togo to teach believers how to heal the sick in Jesus' name
