Pastor Arjae Matthews attended back-to-back Elijah Challenge Training events during two consecutive weeks in 2010

June 2015
“I also have documented over 2,000 healings and miracles of all kind since my training with The Elijah Challenge…” Videos on YouTube
July 2012
“I just returned from a ministry tour in Louisiana and part of Texas. The Lord did mighty things; the people were set free from bondage. There were so many miracles which took place: sixty people were healed from depression—I didn’t know so many Christians were dealing with this. Twenty people were healed from addictions of all types, twenty healed from back issues, twelve healed from strokes, eight healed from blindness of the eyes, and four people healed from lung issues.
Ten people testified that they were healed from cancer of the breast and in other areas of their bodies, three kidneys healed, twelve healed from migraine headaches, limbs growing out, plus thirty salvations. God is so good. There were many more who did not get to testify.
I wish I could have been there at the recent Training, but I will make the next one you hold. Thank you again for all your prayers. Please send me any new material which I can study.”
Fibroid tumor is passed out
October 14, 2011
I went to visit a lady yesterday. She had fibroid tumors in her uterus the size of two grapefruit. I ministered to her about three times and something began to happen. She said that she felt something coming out of her stomach. She then ran to the bathroom and started passing the tumor out.
Praise God for that report!
“Mind-blowing” miracles in Atlanta, Georgia
October 2011 – Woman passes out tumor
“I have another testimony for you. I went to visit a lady yesterday. She had two fibroids (tumors) in her uterus the size of two grapefruits. I ministered to her about three times and something began to happen. She said she felt something coming out of her stomach. She ran to the bathroom and started passing the tumor out. Praise God for that report.”
March 2011
“The Lord has been [very gracious] to do great things through me. It seems at the moment my assignment has been going to the churches and preaching the gospel. Many of the Christians in my community are bound with sickness and disease. I have been preaching to the people to turn from their idols in the church, and the Lord has been showing his power through miracles. I will be editing videos soon of the miracles which have been taking place.
Blind eyes seeing, the lame dropping their canes and walking, cancer being healed, tumors, ears opening, backs being healed, legs and limbs growing out—I mean instantly. This is blowing my mind.
I am currently teaching the Elijah Challenge at the church where I serve as a worship pastor. We are in the streets and at the shopping center preaching the gospel and healing the sick, and the miracles are just mind-blowing. When I set up the YouTube videos I will send you the link.
I want to say to you and your wife ‘thank you’ so much for speaking into my life and praying over me. It has changed my life. I will never forget the training and your ministry. I tell everyone about you and the training that I received. I’m looking forward to training more believers and sending them out to the streets to preach the gospel. So I will be in contact with you off and on. I can’t wait for you to see the miracles caught on video.“
Woman with terminal colon cancer – August 18, 2011
I and my wife received a call from a friend to pray for this lady that was very sick; she had colon cancer and the doctors gave her up to die. We went to her house and when I walked in you can smell death in the air. She was lying on the coach, and they said she could die in the matter of days. Now if I had not been trained I would have turned around and walked out the door because she looked like death. But something arose in me and said “greater is He who is in me then he who is in the world.”
I walked over to her and said, “lady you will live and not die.” I read Luke 9:1 and said “every name has to bow at the name of Jesus.” I said “cancer, you will leave this body right now” and I rebuked the spirit of death. And when I touched her stomach and put one hand on her head, the power of God came upon this woman; she turned cold and white. But after I touched her she turned hot pink in a matter of minutes. Tears began to roll down her face. She said, “Something is happening to my body.” Well, I knew it was the power of God. She sat up for the first time in weeks, went out on the balcony for the first time in months, and told her husband to go get her something to eat!
The Lord did a miracle right before our eyes. Jesus is alive! After the Training in every sense my life has not been the same. I will be starting my ministry next year in Macon, Georgia and I will be on radio preaching the gospel every week and ministering to the sick, doing house calls and hospital visits. Thank you, again for your faithfulness. I pray that the Lord bless you and the ministry and that there will never be any lack. God bless you.
Star football player instantly healed of knee injury – September 4, 2011
In Savannah, Georgia the people were open to receive what the Word had to say about healing by using authority. People were healed and and set free from back and neck problems and tumors. One that stood out more involved a young man who was the star football player on his high school team. He had blown out his knee and he had a scholarship from a college to play football. He was healed instantly—he dropped the crutches and started walking and he had no pain in the knee. Then I told him to run. For the first time in weeks he took off running. Praise God! I told him he can go back to his team. There was also limbs growing out. The Lord moved in a mighty way.