
“Our 1st gospel event was in a village called Jetto in the state of Punjab organized by Elijah Challenge-trained Pastor Ranjit. This was a two-day Elijah Challenge Feeding Event where close to 460+ raised their hands to pray the salvation prayer. Pastor Ranjit shared that he had had no growth in his church for a couple of years. But he was very blessed to see over 400 giving their lives to the Lord.

We had some outstanding miracles. A woman with cancer was healed as the growth in her neck vanished. For the first  time in three years she was able to eat food without experiencing pain. A girl named Komal with severe asthma was also healed.

There were approximately one hundred people who raised their hands testifying they had been miraculously healed by the Lord.”

Elijah Challenge Co-Worker, India
July 2018






Elijah Challenge-trained Pastor Ranjit preaching on the second day