Received from Elijah Challenge Co-Worker in North India
December 3, 2019

“Our second gospel event in November 2019 was in Dhramkot in the state of Punjab. In spite of rain, people of the village still came to hear the gospel.

Close to 320+ precious souls raised their hands to pray the salvation prayer. Our local pastor Manoj was very keen to evangelize his village. He had heard the testimonies of his fellow pastors who had organized such events in their own villages and had been blessed with church growth. To his surprise he had 200+ people coming for the follow-up event after the evangelistic service.

There were over 50 people who came forward for to be healed of their infirmities. Below are some of the testimonies.

  • An elderly man’s failing vision was instantly restored.
  • A lady who had broken her leg in an accident was miraculous healed and afterwards walked about normally.
  • A visible goiter vanished instantly.

These are just a few of the outstanding testimonies of miraculous healing we received at the event.

Thank you for your prayers. Please keep Pastor Manoj in your prayers.”


Follow-up meeting for new believers afterwards