“Last week we conducted The Elijah Challenge Training at a church located in the region of Phulbani, Orissa. There at Amlapada Church over one hundred denominational leaders along with believers gathered to be trained. Earlier when I first made contact with the pastor and church leaders, they made a point of asking me in what denomination I served. From that I understood that they were quite orthodox in their beliefs. Many of their leaders did not in believe in miraculous healing as recorded in the gospels and Acts—evidence of the gospel to the lost.

It was a completely new teaching to them. Several leaders mentioned to me afterwards that they were really blessed with what was taught. It was my first time ministering in this area. Thank you so much for enabling me to train such leaders for the extension of the kingdom of God in India.

During one of the sessions, I called forward an elderly woman named Kabita (photo below) to demonstrate how to minister healing as Jesus did in the gospels. Kabita had been suffering from deafness in both ears in addition to chronic joint pain. (Earlier I had already shown them from the Scriptures how to minister healing to the infirm.) As soon as I put my fingers into her ears and commanded them to “be open” in Jesus’ name, she was miraculously healed. We tested her hearing in front of the delegates present, and they could see that her hearing in both ears had been fully restored. Praise the Lord!

An elderly gentleman present at the Event was similarly unable to hear for a long time. Attributing his condition to old age he assumed it to be irreversible, and so had not sought any remedy whatsoever. Together with the newly trained servants of God, we ministered healing to him in Jesus’ name (below). His hearing was restored.


A young pastor named Daniel (below) had been suffering from chest pain as well as a burning sensation in his body. After the newly-trained servants of God ministered to him in Jesus’ name, he was healed.

An elderly grandmother named Anupama (below) had been suffering from arthritis in both legs below her knees. It was very difficult for her to walk and to move about. She was also suffering from other infirmities as well. Although she was very interested in attending prayer meetings, she was unable to get around due to the arthritis. Nevertheless she came to our Event expecting the Lord to heal her. I called forward a few of the newly-trained ladies to minister to her. As they laid their hands on her, she was healed from the arthritis. The symptoms of the other physical problems also disappeared. 


An evangelist named Sudam (below) had been suffering from a problem with breathing. Together we ministered to him in Jesus’ name, and immediately he was able to breathe freely.”


Report by Elijah Challenge Coordinator for Orissa, India
August 2017