Bishop Dr. Fred Nwachukwuma
Evangelical Redeemed Christian Church
Onitsha, Nigeria
“We thank God very much for your coming to the city of Onitsha, Anambra State in Eastern Nigeria, with the New Model of Evangelism. This has really been a turning point in our method of Evangelism. This new approach has opened the eyes of those ministries who participated in the seminar, to the reality of using their God given authority to cast demons and heal the sick. Members of the congregation can now stand on their own against Satan, they don’t depend again on the pastors or any special person to do the job for them, they now feel interested to embark on the great Commission. You just spent two days and talked to a gathering that was not too large. I believe that next time you would come, many churches would have heard enough about the New Model of Evangelism and you will have a relatively larger gathering to minister to.
The new approach is a blessing to the church because it will cut down the heavy spending in evangelism outreach, the seminar brought up new miracle workers within the community. Those miracles that took place at the crusade were a testimony to the presence of the Lord at the meeting, sight were restored, chest, back and knee pans were healed, and the sick who were healed were thankful to the Lord and Brother William.”
Pastor Vitalis Onyeagoziri
Founder and President of El-Shaddai Family International Church
Enugu, Nigeria
“Greetings to you in Jesus wonderful name: I am glad to inform you that your visit to us in Enugu State Nigeria was a huge blessing to my Life and Ministry and to the Ministers of God in Enugu, November 11-14th 2004.
I was personally blessed by your Teachings and Ministrations. Beloved, you have inspired and impacted more knowledge to my life. I thank you so much for all the things you thought us during the Healing Seminar. You have charged us to preach the gospel and heal the Sick with authority to save the lost for Christ.
I am now practicing what you thought us. To heal the Sick with authority and power in Jesus’ name . It is working for me. Here’s a Testimony, My son woke up at the middle of the night and started coughing seriously, I laid my hands on him and commanded the cough to go immediately in Jesus’ name .The cough obeyed and left immediately and the boy was healed. Another testimony, every Sunday after preaching the gospel in our Church or any where I was invited to preach I called out the sick, and commanded their sickness to go in the name of Jesus, with authority and power and they all received their genuine healings.
I am ready now to go to any country in Africa or any country in the world to preach the gospel, healing the sick, to save the lost. Brother William, I thank you very much and I thank God for your life and for your coming to teach us a new and a simple way of healing the sick to save the lost. Please, continue this good work you are doing for the kingdom of God. Brother, you have a great ministry don’t stop it. The Lord will continue to be with you and bless you forever. Thank you for the Teaching Materials you sent to me through the e-mail.
I am glad to tell you also, that I now have the ministry of healing the sick and feed the hungry with foods to save the lost for Christ.
I will like to join you and be your partner and associate in the ministry to preach the gospel anywhere. Please link me up with anybody or ministry that is interested to feed the hungry, let them contact me.
I will like to host you next year, here in Enugu Nigeria for a bigger Crusade. Maybe by September or October next year 2005, please tell me any convenient month. Thanks and God bless you.”
Yours in His Vineyard,
Pastor Vitalis. A. Onyeagoziri