From the ministries of Elijah Challenge-trained Servants of God in Nepal

On 16 June 2023, these 2 sisters Maya Praja and Bima Praja shared testimony that one of them had bad dreams and couldn’t sleep and pain in the body. The other also had bad dreams. On the next day, our Elijah Challenge trained worker commanded healing for both of them and they were healed and they accepted the Lord Jesus. In the video below the two sisters give their testimony and are praying to accept Jesus Christ.



On the week before 19 Aug 2023, this llittle boy had fever and diarrhea with loss of appetite. The mother had sought help from witchdoctors. She came to us and the gospel was shared with her and she accepted the Lord Jesus. Our Elijah Challenge trained worker, Lok Bahadur Ranabhat commanded healing for this child and this child’s diarrhea stopped but the child could start playing again. The child is much better with slight fever. Praise God!

The child’s mother accepted the Lord.

Ministering healing to the little boy


The little boy’s mother accepts Jesus Christ


Mother’s testimony regarding her son



On 3 August 2023, Manisa Sunar went mad and ran to the jungle. Our minister Min Bahadur Lopchan ministered deliverance for Manisa Sunar and she was delivered. She and her husband, Dinesh Sunar and Manisa accepted the Lord Jesus.




In August 2023, in Banglung, our minister Min Bahadur Lopchan ministered deliverance for Bunu Tamang was had evil spirit and she was delivered and she accepted the Lord.




In August 2023, in Myagdi, our minister Min Bahadur Lopchan ministered deliverance for Usha Rai. She was delivered from evil spirit in Jesus’ Name.