Brother Tee Joo Tatt is the Elijah Challenge Coordinator for Nepal. He trained with us in 2005 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
“On Sunday, 7 October 2018, my voice was weak from all the ministering healing so I had Pastor Anil Prince Tamang teach instead in Zion Methodist Church in Lewathar, near Kurintar. The pastor is Pastor Magar Paul who used to work in Malaysia about 10 years ago. Training started at 10 am and ended at 1:45 pm with commanding healing for about 15 sick people. There were about 25 people attending the training because many students had school exams etc.
* There was a lady who had pain on right leg from waist to the foot. After we commanded healing in Jesus’ Name the pain left! Praise God! Hallelujah!
* There was a man whose left hand could not move.When we commanded healing in Jesus’ Name, he felt like vomiting and he threw out a lot of white froth. After we commanded healing in Jesus’ Name, he is starting to move his hand! This was caused by evil spirit. He used to walk with a bad limp but after commanding healing in Jesus’ Name, he could walk well. Praise God! Hallelujah!
* There was a lady who had pain at the back of her neck. When we commanded healing for her, she started shaking her whole body uncontrollably, so this is again caused by an evil spirit After we commanded healingin Jesus’ Name, the pain left! She was so happy that she shed tears of joy! Praise God! Hallelujah!
* There was a lady who felt like someone pressing on her shoulder and her arm felt weak. After we commanded healing in Jesus’ Name, her arm was normal again! Praise God! Hallelujah!
* There was a lady who had pain and burning sensation on the right half of her body. After we commanded healing in Jesus’ Name, she was healed! Praise God! Hallelujah!
* There was lady who had pain in her right leg. After we commanded healing in Jesus’ Name, she was healed! Praise God! Hallelujah!
* There was a lady who felt a weight at the back of her neck. After we commanded healing in Jesus’ Name, she was healed! Praise God! Hallelujah!
* Pastor Magar Paul’s father was hearing the sound of a river in both ears. After we commanded healing in Jesus’ Name, that river sound is gone and he can hear without that that river sound. Praise God! Hallelujah!
* Netra Maya Thapa fell down a wall behind her house and hit some rocks at her bump. She fractured her hip bone. She was in the hospital for about one month but she did not improve and just could lay in her bed only. She was feeling she will die soon. Her husband cried for her. Many people prayed for her. Both Ps Anil and Ps Andrew commanded healing for her in Jesus’ Name and she could lift her right leg which she could not do. Later she could sit up which she could not do before. Praise God! Hallelujah!”