Elijah Challenge Board Members Al & Lisa Hartman own Hartman Income REIT based in Houston, Texas. Over Christmas 2015 and New Year’s they and their three daughters were on a mission trip in India. The following are testimonies from their events as reported by Lisa below.
“On December 22nd we conducted The Elijah Challenge Training in Sirsa, Haryana, India, with 160 people attending, 10 pastors, and 25 people prayed for. That evening we went to a village gathering of 50 people. Ten people received salvation and 25 people were prayed over.
On December 23rd we had a rooftop women’s training with 127 women and 50 men. After the teaching our host pastor Simon Haq gave an altar call. More came in and at the end over 200 were in attendance. About 25 raised their hands for salvation and 100 raised their hands for renewing their faith. Two came forward to give their testimonies and one half were prayed for.
Six powerful miraculous healings from this event with Simon
1) At our December 23rd Event there was a young woman in her 20s. She heard a voice say ” go forward.” While praying she fell to the ground, and her right leg which had always been shorter than the left one “grew out” 1/2 inch. She accepted Jesus Christ.
2) A young women traveled to The Elijah Challenge Training. Her landlady who had been sick and in bed for six months was at her home. She went home from the Training and prayed over her landlady. The woman got up and accompanied her to our event the next day, climbing 20 stairs to our event on the roof.
3) A woman had a growth on her uterus and could not conceive. As Lisa was teaching, she felt the growth diminish. She had backslidden.
4) A woman at the Feeding Event had a growth on her left side. It vanished while she was praying.
5) A man had joint pain and couldn’t climb the stairs on the day of the Training where he was prayed over. The next day he walked up the stairs without a limp.
6) The last day of the event an infant of about six months of age was present and had a fever. Our daughter Victoria prayed over the child. The fever left immediately and the baby smiled at Victoria. The father brought the child to us 30 minutes later and the baby’s temperature was normal.
On December 24 we handed out gifts to 200 slum children at New Creation Church in Delhi.
On December 25 we conducted a praise and worship service and gospel event for 200 at New Creation Church. Lisa gave the message. Fifty cards were filled out for follow up by the church, with the assistance of missionaries from the US.
On December 27 we conducted The Elijah Challenge Training followed by lunch. 150 people attended with half of them pastors. About 10 people came forward with joint pain to be healed in Jesus’ name. All reported being healed. Trained intercessors came forward to lay hands on others who testified of being healed of back pain, heart conditions, and fever. That evening at our Feeding Event there were 100 in attendance. People who came forward for prayer were healed of joint and back pain. A mute girl was able to speak. One notable exception was a boy paralyzed from birth who was not healed. We encouraged the grandparents to pray over him at home.
An amazing miracle at the airport after our missed flight
On December 28th we had a tight schedule to fly from Amritsar to Delhi where we had to catch a connecting flight on to Raipur. We only had 50 minutes. We ran through one airport and took a cab to the second, only to arrive 10 minutes after the gate had closed. We were told there were no places available on the evening flight to Raipur later that day, and few on the same flight the next day. We called our host in Orissa Subodh with our regrets that he would have conduct The Elijah Challenge Training without us.
On December 28th we had a tight schedule to fly from Amritsar to Delhi where we had to catch a connecting flight on to Raipur. We only had 50 minutes. We ran through one airport and took a cab to the second, only to arrive 10 minutes after the gate had closed. We were told there were no places available on the evening flight to Raipur later that day, and few on the same flight the next day. We called our host in Orissa Subodh with our regrets that he would have conduct The Elijah Challenge Training without us.
We were weighing options such as going by car or whether we should split the family up, when suddenly the ticketing agent announced that five seats had become available on the evening flight. Margaret and Victoria had been praying while we were dealing with the situation. It was nothing short of miraculous that five seats in a row were suddenly available on rows 9 and 10—apparently a group had changed their plans. Jehovah Jireh…Hallelujah!
On December 29 we had training at Subodh’s home in Orissa with 25 pastors and a total of 65 servants of God. Others were pastors’ wives, widows, and others. Twenty ladies came forward for healing. All were healed except for a 4-year-old girl who had pain in her body. We prayed over back pain, joint pain, heart pain, headache pain and fever. Every one of them testified.
On December 30 we traveled two and a half hours to a small village south in Orissa. We had a women’s conference with 115 in attendance. Lisa gave the message for 4 hours. About 150 were fed. There was much rejoicing, dancing singing.
In the evening of December 31 we prayed over a Hindu woman with cancer. Victoria discerned something wrong. Then idols were uncovered in a room in her home. So we encouraged the woman to get rid of them.”