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Training SPECIAL FORCES for the Kingdom of God

“Are you evangelical or charismatic?”  “Neither.”

1,000,000 come to Christ in tent meeting     Dead woman raised in Indonesia

Our Historic Campaign in Egypt 

Our 2003 Campaign: “A Turning Point for Christianity in Vietnam”

FREE!!!  August 2014 Retreat: Empowered by the Holy Spirit to be His Witnesses

The Elijah Challenge trains disciples, missionaries, and servants of God to proclaim the kingdom of God—especially to the gospel-resistant—very powerfully and fruitfully. The goal is the fulfillment of the Great Commission, the last mandate Christ entrusted to the Church before His ascension to the right hand of the Father.

Over the last 14 years the Lord has made us very fruitful, training tens of thousands of believers in over 40 countries and counting. Many of these servants of God are now preaching the gospel and laboring very fruitfully in harvest fields around the world. One of them witnessed approximately one million souls turn to Christ at a tent meeting in India.  Filling the void in India More on the Elijah Challenge Training Our Teachings & Articles Reports on Elijah Challenge Events around the world

Recent testimonies & reports from disciples who have trained with us

Last Days Harvest: 1,000,000 souls come to Christ at Tent Meeting in India

Thousands of Hindus come to Christ where Australian missionary was martyred in 1999

Video of man born crippled getting up from wheelchair to walk for the first time (at 6:00)

Did Simon the sorcerer in Acts 8 know more than some disciples of Christ today?

Viewing & Downloading The Elijah Challenge Training

Nearly 1,000 cell leaders of Baptist church trained to heal the sick in Jesus’ name Miracle healing at Baptist megachurch in Houston Man with 8 hemorrhaged discs in his back runs for the first time in a year and a half A lifelong Baptist to his Baptist friends: “I hope you are not offended…”

Scientist accepts the supernatural at Elijah Challenge Event in Australia Kenya: the gospel is preached, the sick are healed, disciples trained to do likewise Symptoms of heart disappear at a distance over the telephone during ministry Testimony about The Elijah Challenge from an Assemblies of God Pastor 

Miraculous healings multiplied at Shammah Outreach Ministries in Canada “After thirty years the pastor’s ministry has changed…” Demonstration of healing power at Elijah Challenge in Indonesia astonishes participants Hospice Chaplain equips believers in India to reach Hindus with miraculous power 

Dead woman RAISED BACK TO LIFE as trained disciples speak in Jesus’ name Trained sister in Louisiana used by God to minister healing to people with cancer Aussie Mom’s exercising authority with persistence moved the mountain of pain from her daughter Entire remote village in India come to Christ following miraculous healings

Healing Miracles & The Elijah Challenge in Dhaka, Bangladesh Believer heals the sick in remote village following Elijah Challenge Training The gospel preached & the sick healed in Mexico with Jaimie Alonso Foursquare Pastor on the teaching of The Elijah Challenge

The sick healed, demons cast out, and sinners come to Christ in Burkina Faso, West Africa Southern Baptist Pastor Rickie Bradshaw on The Elijah Challenge Video of homeless man’s knee miraculously healed by trained disciples at outreach 300 Hindus accept Christ under big mango tree following miraculous healings

Confessions of an Elijah Challenge Coordinator

Confessions of a Hospice Chaplain 

Dancing on the Edge of the Earth: missionary adventures of faith in Indonesia

The Elijah Challenge: the fulfillment of a dramatic vision from the Lord in 1999 Strategic-Level Spiritual Warfare Revisited—is Scripture really INSUFFICIENT as it implies? False spirits invade the Church (YouTube) Your Place and Standing in the Next Age The teaching of the Nicolaitans which Jesus hates The verse which has crippled the Church?  |  IHOP and the Gigolo Jesus God’s will to heal | Does God want to save everyone? Our view on “superstar” ministries “The anointing” as seen in the Church today: scriptural or not?

Featured articles

To the Church in America: “From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded” “The 7 Great Lies in the Church Today” by Steve Hill Brazilian mission leader condemns extreme “prosperity teaching” The Elijah Challenge in the crossfire between the two poles of the Evangelical Church Miraculous healings for evangelicals to proclaim the kingdom of God to the lost? Is the Entitlement Mentality a By-Product of Western “Christianity?” The Work of the Holy Spirit in The Elijah Challenge  |  Retreat  |  Registration The Theology of Weakness & Helplessness

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