Subodh's family

Subodh Jena Kumar Reports

By Subodh Jena based in Orissa, India

February 2014

Pastor Kishore Paul from Khariar trained with me last year when I taught The Elijah Challenge. Today he called me and gave this report:

There was a young man, a Hindu graduate, who was possessed by a demon spirit for seven years. His parents took him to several places and spent much money on sorcerers. But they could not get rid of the demon spirit. The family was so upset and lost hope. He did not bathe for a period of around five years. Somehow his parents came to know about Pastor Paul, and described the situation to him.

Pastor Paul (and the family) fasted for one day before going to minister to the young man. With mountain-moving faith Paul and his wife ministered to him. Miraculously the demon left. Pastor Paul himself took the young man to a nearby river to take a bath for the first time in several years. The family accepted the Lord as their personal Saviour.  The news of this miracle has spread around the villages. Praise the Lord for this wonderful work.

Pastor Paul requested us to pray for him as he is physically weak in his body after being tormented by the demon for seven years.