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Endorsements of The Elijah Challenge.

Light of Africa
 (American m
ission in Zambia): “The teaching of The Elijah Challenge eleven years ago has profoundly and eternally affected the ministry we do and the ministry of other trainees…”

Dr. Benjamin Yoo, Ph.D, Director of E. Stanley Jones College:  “Here is the teaching and method that you have been looking for.  I have personally witnessed healing and church growth all over the world as a result of applying the teaching of The Elijah Challenge program…”

General Presbyter Tennessee Assemblies of God: “The weekend when we hosted The Elijah Challenge may go down as one of the greatest weekends in the history of Full Life Assembly of God…we have Generals of the Faith amongst us.

Dr. Tissa Weerasingha, Sri Lanka: “…you have the most Biblically-sound teaching on the subject of signs and wonders, healing, faith and all related subjects including the Charismatic gift of healing and the James 5 model of healing.” (Dr. Weerasingha was trained at conservative Westminster Theological Seminary and oversees 100 churches worldwide.)

Rev. Emmanuel A. Rhema in Africa: “Through the knowledge you imparted to me…I travel far and wide across my nation conducting major meetings with massive miraculous evidence which has brought many souls to the Lord…All this was made possible because you taught me. Only in heaven will you know the extent to which God is pleased with you.

Executive Director, Foursquare Gospel Church of Malaysia & Singapore: “…I am forever thankful to the founders of the ministry for introducing The Elijah Challenge to us. The Foursquare churches in this part of the world are never the same anymore. We now minister with power and authority to heal the infirm and preach the Kingdom of God…”

more endorsements

Презентация PowerPoint на русском языке

Отчет из Казахстана


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What does The Elijah Challenge do?

Look at the reports below from some of the many of servants of God we have trained in over 40 countries…


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Our reaction to World Net Daily’s article: “Can Donald Trump make the Church great again?”

The Elijah Challenge Training in Hillside, Illinois, July 4-5


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Elijah Challenge-trained Pastor leads the fastest-growing ministry in India. At three recent meetings he has seen 10 lakhs receive Jesus—equivalent to one million souls accepting Christ each time—a total of roughly 3,000,000 souls.


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Crusade Evangelist Emmanuel Rhema: “The blind received their sight, the deaf had their hearing restored, and the crippled walked. All manner of sickness and disease were healed…All this was made possible because you taught me. Only in heaven will you know the extent to which God is pleased with you.  Read


Another one million souls accept Christ at single event with Elijah Challenge-trained Pastor   Read



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Professor e Treinador do Desafio de Elias no Brasil: Pr. Ricardo Bueno   mais

Vídeos de Treinamento O Desafio de Elias


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Kurt & Mary Simms trained with us in 2008 and now lead The Great I Am Global Ministries

Click to view Kurt’s video


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Dr. Benjamin Yoo, Ph.D, Director of E. Stanley Jones College:  “I believe that God has raised up The Elijah Challenge Training and movement for this time and moment in Church history when the visible political, financial and social power of the Church is in decline and that of other religions and institutions seems to be on the rise…”   Read


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Foursquare Church leader saw 10,000 miraculous healings after being trained in 2005  Read

Young boy in Malaysia healed by Jesus begins to walk with delight  View video


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Elijah Challenge Indonesia Coordinator: Boy deaf & mute since birth healed before crowd   Read



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Old Testament miracle & New Testament miraculous healings bring entire village to Christ   Read


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Shelly Ragen founded Shiloh Harvest after training with TEC: “great miracles from God in India”  Read


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After training with The Elijah Challenge Alan Robinson went to Africa to establish Kingdom Life Center


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After training with TEC (2006), Carl travels the world preaching with UNUSUAL boldness & power  Read

63 people healed at a distance in Poland in two days  Read


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Following the March 2017 TEC Training in Brazil’s Northeast spiritual wasteland, believers went to the public square to heal the sick and proclaim the Kingdom of God (Luke 10:9). Many were miraculously healed of their infirmities in Jesus’ name.



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Over 150 Punjabis in India commit their lives to Jesus Christ   Read



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160 Punjabis accept Christ as the sick are healed & people are filled with the Holy Spirit   Read



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Scroll down for many more reports from disciples we’ve trained over the past 17 years


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Missions in Acts Restored

The Elijah Challenge trains disciples and servants of God to reach the lost, especially in non-Christian gospel-resistant Third World nations. We train them to preach the gospel as Jesus did and as His disciples continued to do in Acts, where powerful miraculous healings provided undeniable evidence to both Jews and Gentiles that Jesus was in fact the Messiah. This brought multitudes into the Kingdom of God in Acts. During these last days, Acts is being restored—leading to an acceleration of the Great Commission before the Second Coming of the Messiah.

A Basis for Reconciliation & Unity between Evangelicals & Charismatics during these Last Days


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The Lord is Touching People with Heart Disease  Testimonies


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from disciples who trained with The Elijah Challenge
(click on arrow on the last photos on the right below for many more reports)

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Read many reports & testimonies from trained servants of God & disciples…

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– Controversies for you to mull over –


Non-charismatic evangelicals can minister effective healing without “the gift of healing”  Read

Another basis for UNITY between Evangelicals & Charismatics during these Last Days  Read

Denial of reality in the Church  Read      Fulfilled: “Everyone will hate you because of me”   Read

One reason why Christianity became “just another religion” in the world   Read

The “new” new wine being poured out during these Last Days   Read

We are not what you might think  Read    False miracles to deceive even the elect?  Read

The early disciples were not familiar with “healing prayer” as is done traditionally today  Read

How “non-charismatic” evangelical missionaries can reach gospel-resistant people groups   Read


It is God or Satan who has brought so many Muslims to America?   Read


More thought-provoking, non-traditional writings based soundly on Scripture


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Schedule of Elijah Challenge Training Events


Why the sick are rarely healed and evangelism to the Third World is largely ineffective


Following explosive Acts Church tradition in India halted the rapid spread of the gospel


We do not teach or practice “faith healing”


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The Elijah Challenge Orphanage in Orissa, India

“We especially thank God for His supernatural protection on our orphans during these days when many other children are falling ill. There is a child specialist whose office is near our orphanage from where from morning to evening we can see several hundred parents waiting to see him…”

Christmas 2016 Update: Young mother gives up her children to us

March 2017 Update: God’s supernatural blessings on orphans from remote villages who had no hope



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The Largest Campaign in the History of Egypt – August 2002

According to local organizer Campus Crusade for Christ, our campaign in Upper Egypt was the most fruitful one in the history of the state of al Minia, if not in the history of the nation of Egypt. Mr. Ashraf Kamel Shehata, who heads Campus Crusade for Christ for Upper Egypt, declared that the meetings exceeded his expectations and imagination. Approximately twenty thousand people attend the evangelistic tent meetings, and according to nationally-known singer Maher Fayez who led the worship in the meetings up to thirty percent of these were Musl__ms. Although we are still waiting on the official Campus Crusade report of the number of people who stood up to receive Christ at the invitations, our initial estimate is that ten thousand souls responded. Not only the power of Christ was demonstrated during the campaign, but also His love and compassion. One thousand people were treated in the medical clinics over the four days. These clinics were arranged by Coordinator Brent Knapton, who heads the ministry Window of Opportunity, joint sponsor of the Egypt mission trip. Many people came to the gospel tent meetings because they were drawn by our medical clinics which offered basically free medical treatment. As early as 5:30 AM, the sick began to wait outside the gates of our compound hoping to gain entrance into the clinic which would not open until 1:00 PM after the morning tent meeting… see more
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Young Vietnamese man severely crippled since birth gets up from wheelchair & walks for the first time (skip to 6:30) at an Elijah Challenge Evangelistic Event in San Jose, California for the Vietnamese community

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“A turning point in the history of Christianity in Vietnam”

…On the third day there was a large Evangelistic Crusade where non-believers were invited to come to hear the gospel and receive healing prayer. This was the very first mass meeting since the fall of this country to communism decades ago in which a foreigner was invited to speak. It turned out to be even more historic than that. Never before in the history of this country under communism had such a meeting been known to take place…

My wife and I were taken to a hall completely crammed with thousands of people who had been waiting an hour before the start of the meeting. There was no place to sit down even for us. People with various debilitating infirmities had been physically carried to the meeting; the area to the side of the speaker’s platform was filled with people in wheelchairs. One pastor said that never before had so many gathered for a gospel meeting in this country during communist rule. Never before here had so many infirm people come to be healed by Jesus Christ. There was an air of expectancy.see more

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Dead woman in Indonesia raised back to life by trained disciples before roomful of astonished Muslims

…When the young woman arrived back home her condition was terminal, and she died at about 5 pm. The people then gathered in the home to pray to Allah that the she would be received in their paradise.

In the meantime “Pastor Mark”  heard the news that the girl who had once believed in Jesus but had backslidden had died. He then sought the Lord with all his heart. 

After prayer “Pastor Mark” called a leader in the village and ordered him to go to the house where the dead woman was being prepared for burial—and to tell her to wake up, and to meet him at Emmanuel Hospital in the city two hours away where he was staying. The leader was taken aback, and told him that she had in fact already died.see more

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Last Days Harvest: 1,000,000 souls come to Christ at Tent Meeting in India

The tent sprawled over several acres

Pastor Simon Haqq of North India hosted The Elijah Challenge Training on various occasions beginning in the early 2000s. Since then he has witnessed very many miraculous healings as he preaches the gospel to Hindus in his Feeding Events and ministers to the sick as he was trained to do. Because of the powerful miraculous healings, news about his ministry has spread in India.

For that reason Simon was invited to preach the gospel and pray over the sick before a crowd of about 2,000,000 mostly Hindus in a sprawling tent spanning many acres of land, and to minister healing to the infirm in Jesus’ name. After he preached he invited the people to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Simon estimated that approximately 1,000,000 people responded to his call. That figure is based on the number people who stood close enough to the stage which he could see, with the assumption that the percentage of people responding remained fairly consistent all the way to the back of the tent which he could not see since it was so vast. …see more

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From Servants of God & Disciples after they trained with The Elijah Challenge

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[av_testimonial_single src=’18955′ name=’US Army Special Forces Colonel ‘ subtitle=’The Special Forces Colonel & his wife are based in the United States’ link=” linktext=”]
This Colonel served in the U.S. Army Special Forces for 33 years and was in line for promotion to the rank of General. After the Lord Jesus called him to give it up and serve Him by preaching the gospel, he obeyed. After training with The Elijah Challenge, he now serves in the Kingdom of God Special Forces and is leading and training others to serve God in the same way…more
[av_testimonial_single src=’12083′ name=’Subodh Jena Kumar of Orissa, India’ subtitle=’Subodh and Rosy have two boys, Nathan and Johnson…they also oversee our orphanage in India’ link=” linktext=”]
After hosting The Elijah Challenge, Subodh became very fruitful for Christ. As he preaches the gospel of Jesus Christ, the sick are healed miraculously and those with demons are set free. Seeing the miracles many Hindus are coming to Jesus Christ as their only Lord and Savior. Subodh is also training other servants of God in India’s poorest state of Orissa to minister as he does…more
[av_testimonial_single src=’12084′ name=’Kurt & Mary Simms, USA’ subtitle=’A Master Electrician in Crosby, Texas…along with Mary trained with The Elijah Challenge in 2008′ link=” linktext=”]
“We trained a large group of pastors and disciples [in Africa] on Thursday and I have preached in the open air the last two nights. People have come from as far as 600 kilometers or so. There have been so many people healed and delivered from demons. The lame are walking, the blind seeing, and the deaf hearing!  It is so crazy we are exhausted everyday. Everyone is being healed and many being born again”…more
[av_testimonial_single src=’3520′ name=’Pastor Albert & Grace Kang of Malaysia’ subtitle=’Albert pastored a church in Singapore which grew to over 1,700 in Sunday attendance in 7 years’ link=” linktext=”]
“Your teachings have been most enlightening and balanced. I have always been skeptical about preachers who have the gift of healing but no gift of teaching…Praise God for the training that you both gave to so many servants of Christ. [We] are being blessed by so many, many miracles. Honestly, in my 25 years of ministry, I have never experienced so many miracles in such a short time”…more

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Read many ministry reports from these and other servants of God after they trained with The Elijah Challenge

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