“Thank you so much for your intercessory and financial support for the fruitful ministry here in India. The Lord graciously continues to use our Elijah Challenge workers with His supernatural power and authority to heal the sick and cast out demons, leading Hindus to accept Jesus Christ.”

Selected reports from among many…

“For a month, Malti Rohidas (above & below) had a very high fever, and her condition became very serious. For the last ten to twelve days she had stopped eating and became very weak. Her husband and her fellow villagers thought that Malti was not going to survive. She was not responding to medical treatment. In terrible distress her parents contacted our Elijah Challenge workers. They came and ministered to Malti in the magnificent name of the Messiah Jesus. The Lord touched her, and she began eating again. Within a few days she was completely well again. The entire family then accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.”



”A Hindu man named Durga Naik (below) had suffered from a mental disorder for months. His parents heard that people were getting miraculously healed and delivered from demons through our trained Elijah Challenge workers. So they brought Durga to one of our house churches where over a period of a few days our workers ministered to him in the wondrous name of our Messiah Jesus. Durga’s mind was then miraculously restored. He then believed in Jesus and accepted Him as his only Lord and Savior.”



 “Anchi (below) suffered from severe arthritis for a long time, causing pain in his entire body from front to back. He had taken prescription medication for a long time, but to no avail. Then our Elijah Challenge workers came and ministered to him in the wondrous name of our Messiah Jesus. Anchi was then miraculously healed from the arthritis and the pain. He then believed and accepted Jesus Christ.”



“For four months Manoj (below) had typhoid fever. The medicine prescribed for him by his doctor had not helped. Then Manoj came to one of our house churches with his wife where our Elijah Challenge workers ministered to him in Jesus’ name. Manoj was wonderfully delivered from the fever and healed. He then accepted Jesus Christ.”



“Bhumas Kerketta (below) had an open wound on his leg which for a long time would not heal. His doctor prescribed medication for him, but the wound would simply not dry up. Then our Elijah Challenge workers ministered to him in the name of our Messiah Jesus. His wound miraculously dried up and was healed. After that Bhumas accepted Jesus Christ.”



Elijah Challenge Co-Worker in India
November 17, 2023


Supernatural miracles in Third World Missions do not conflict with Cessationism

Endorsement from Distinguished Pastor with Doctorate from conservative Westminster Theological Seminary

Endorsement by Houston Pastor Donnell Vigers who hosted Reinhard Bonnke Crusade in 2013

2,000 reports of the miraculous from our nameless workers


The Elijah Challenge equips nameless harvest workers to reach resistant people groups fruitfully by training them to heal the sick miraculously and consistently as Jesus did and as he promised that believers would do (John 14:11-12)—as irrefutable evidence that Jesus is the Messiah and the only way to the One True God who created the heavens and the earth. In the green link above there are posted approximately 1,000 reports of the miraculous similar to those at the top of this page. These thousand reports (out of thousands of reports) were received from our workers during approximately the past four to five years.

Since 2018 our trained workers in and around Odisha have planted 1,205 new house churches with over 48,000 new believers through May 2022, reaching 38 previously unreached people groups, including high caste Hindu groups which are among the most resistant and difficult to reach. This is in the region of Orissa (Odisha) State alone, considered the poorest state in India where Fundamentalist Hinduism reigns. Water baptism is illegal. Up in North India our trained harvest workers are seeing similar harvests among the Hindus and Sikhs.

Mission Leaders, if we are available we are able to train your Third World harvest workers with The Elijah Challenge—at our own expense. We can do so using the zoom app.

CONSISTENT miraculous works in Missions for non-charismatic EVANGELICALS

Just a few of the over 1,700 (and counting) house churches planted by our harvest workers in Orissa & neighboring states in five years despite persecution & opposition

“The Elijah Challenge is the gateway into the deep things of the Spirit.”





