
I have three testimonies to share with you with regards to miraculous healing from COVID-19. Last night someone asked me to minister healing to three women in Kathmandu (Nepal) who are COVID-19 positive:

• Urmila, a believer suffering from heaviness in chest and difficult in breathing
• Ganga, a Hindu 
• Ayusha, Ganga’s 14-year-old daughter also a Hindu

After ministering healing to them with authority around midnight, they felt much better. This morning (the following morning) I received messages from all three women. Praise God…Hallelujah! I am praying that this is a great opportunity for the gospel in Ganga and Ayusha’s life.

Message from Sister Urmila:

‘Jaymaisha (Praise the Lord in Nepali)! Yesterday evening I thought I was going to die. I almost lost hope when the hospital refused to admit me as a COVID-19 patient. I suffered terribly from physical pain as well as the thoughts of not being able to see my daughter Izabella and loved ones again. I had heavy pain in my chest and difficulty breathing.

But the Lord is so so good. He heard my cries and saw the pain I was going through. Thank you so much for praying and for your wonderful heart of compassion. All praises to the Lord. May He bless your ministry. When I woke up I felt very fresh. I trust our Lord Jesus that the coronavirus is gone from my body. There is no more pain.’

All three women sent me voice messages (below) in the Nepali language thanking God for their healing. Praise God! Hallelujah!”


Brother Tee Joo Tatt, Elijah Challenge Coordinator for Nepal
October 8, 2020

[Note: any bornagain believer can be trained to minister supernatural healing to people afflicted with COVID-19 as compelling and irrefutable evidence to an unbelieving world that Jesus is the Messiah.]