“Greetings to you in Jesus precious name. Thank you so much for your prayer and support for us and for the ministry.
We had another very fruitful and powerful Feeding Event in a village situated in a remote hilly region. To reach it we had first to drive three and a half hours, and after that we had to go by motorcycle for a few kilometers. We finally reached the village on foot. An amazing experience for us!
We were so glad to have the opportunity to bring the gospel to such an unreached village—even with such difficulty. The tribal villagers are an uneducated and downtrodden people group who do not receive any outside help from the government.
I was surprised to see the food for our Feeding Event being prepared in a school building, and so I asked them why they were cooking the food in the school? They replied that the school facility is not being used because teachers are not available to travel to this very remote and hilly area. Consequently their children are not being taught. Their future is bleak.
Let me share something interesting…
There was some light rain falling as we were about to reach the village. After a while it became heavy, and the villagers were concerned. So we rebuked the rain in the name of Jesus, and it stopped raining. But the sky remained dark. I asked how many of them would like to see the sun appear, and the entire crowed raised their hands affirmatively.
We then spoke with authority in Jesus’ name, and right there the sun came out bathing us in its light. God did such a mighty and wonderful thing in the sight of the villagers. They were astonished seeing this great miracle done by faith in the name of Jesus.
By the end of our Feeding Event, the entire village had turned to the Lord. Only after the Event was over did it begin to rain again. Praise the Lord.
Many villagers were under demonic attack and were set free by the Lord. Many who were addicted to alcohol were delivered.
A man named Lalu (in photo below) had pain in his backbone, and for five years had been unable to sit or walk properly. He had gone to the main hospital of the District for treatment and had been hospitalized. His doctor had prescribed much medication for him, but the pain persisted. The village witchdoctor had also given him “medicine” to take but to no avail. He was very seriously weakened. But the Lord graciously healed him right there in our Feeding Event. He felt something very powerful like an electric current go through his body healing him [cf. the woman healed from chronic bleeding in Mark 5:29-30].
A young man named Rushikesh (below) had met with an accident and had been injured severely. He had been under treatment for long time. He had lost his memory and at times could be insensitive and inattentive. His mind was clearly not functioning properly. But Lord touched him, and his memory was restored.
For two years a young man named Naresh (below) suffered from stomach pain due to gastritis. The pain was serious, and he came to the meeting in pain. But the Lord touched him at the Event and he was miraculously healed.
A woman named Kalima (below) was suffering from arthritis for a long time and could barely walk. But even though she was so weak she made the effort to walk a long distance from her village to attend our Event. There she experienced a healing touch in her body. She testified that not only was the arthritis gone, a demon spirit tormenting her had left.
A child with high a fever was brought to our Event by her mother who was also ill (below). The child had been sick for a week. There was no medical facility in that village and the nearest hospital was in a small town around 20 kilometers away. But she had not taken her daughter to that hospital. So it was wonderful what the Lord did for the little girl. She came with a high fever to the meeting where she was healed instantly. The fever broke as the child started to perspire. The mother was also healed of her ailment. She was very, very glad to see her daughter healed.
Thank you so much for supporting us, enabling us to reach such an area with such a people group.”
After our Feeding Event the rain began to fall again
-Report submitted in September 2016 by The Elijah Challenge Coordinator in Orissa, India