Orissa, the poorest state in India, is dominated by Hindus

Other reports from Pastor Subodh

Servants of God trained to minister with power in Putasingh

The Basic Training started on the afternoon of November 11, 2009. We faced a delay on the evening of the 10th when the father of one of the local pastors passed away.

This is a small town near the border of Andra Pradesh called Putasingh. Most of the people speak the Telegu language. It is a one night journey from Bhawaniptna. One thing I wondered as we drove hundreds of kilometers—everywhere I saw jungle, no cultivated land. The area is fully Viswa Hindu dominated. I feel this place is one of the least evangelized areas in Orissa. We discovered there are very few Christians there. The gospel is not reaching there.

Almighty God was so gracious to bless each and everyone of us there. Due to obstacles in the first service there were twenty-two to twenty-five people but in the other training session there were around fifty delegates in attendance.

I praise God for this opportunity to reach out to this unreached area. Everybody enjoyed the program. Some commented that it was a systematic and heart-touching program and that this kind of Training should be held in every village and town so that many may change their lives and know Christ personally. This ministry of power will bring revival to the people.

I believe and am sure that those who have undergone this Training will begin to testify boldly that our God is the only true God. We rejoice and are very glad and thankful to God for having this kind of response.