November 4, 2008
The first evening of Elijah Challenge training at Full Gospel Assembly in Kuala Lumpur was an enthusiastic one. With the sanctuary packed with more than 200 Chinese-speaking participants, the air was filled with excitement. Somehow, the message was out there that these few nights would be nights of miracles. I saw many young people in the midst and Pastor Tan Eing Lock told me that they came mostly from the main church. I also learned from him that there were a total of five FGA branch churches represented there.
While waiting for the worship to begin, I prayed and felt intensely in my heart that God would want to use these precious brothers and sisters from FGA to do tremendous works in the last days. As the worship progressed, God’s sovereignty and presence reached out and touched all of us. Pastor Jessica Leong, who was the organizer of these training sessions, gave a brief introduction about me and my ministry. After that, it was easy for me to begin the first lesson as the participants were not only friendly but hungry. They were drinking in every cup of information offered to them. From the familiar story of Elijah who challenged the prophets of Baal to King David and his conquest over Goliath, the participants drank with eagerness. The topic on the ‘Priestly Office, Prophetic Officeand Kingly Office’ was received with gladness. I could sense their faith rising by the minutes.
They clapped and gave glory to God when they saw the slides of previous healings in other churches. They were literally thrilled by all the miracles presented in the slide show. However, time ran out and it was 10.30 PM and time to close the session. I offered to show them the healing demonstration in the next session but the crowd refused. They wanted to see the healing evidences right there and then. So, with the approval of the pastors, I conducted the healing demonstration. Since I expected many to come forward to be healed, I limited to only 15 infirm to occupy the seats prepared for them at the front. Then Pastor Tan appointed 30 volunteers to come forth and exercise their faith to heal the infirm. He led all in a prayer of repentance and the healing session began.
The trained believers first asked the people about their infirmities and then proceeded to lay hands on them. I praised God that they were extremely cooperative and the healings started to happen. Those who were healed fulfilled their promise to testify publicly. Everyone clapped after every healing testimony. A sister was healed of back and shoulder pain. A brother healed of painful stomach ailment. A young man, who hurt and dislocated his shoulder joint when he was a young child, was healed. He said that every time he tried to swing or throw his arm, it would dislocate and he would feel pain. However, after being prayed for, he threw and swung his arm many times and there was no dislocation. Praise the Lord.
Another young man was healed of back pain. A couple of elderly sisters were healed of painful arthritic knees. A man who apparently suffered from a stroke had his frozen shoulder healed and he raised it high for all to see. Many were relieved and showed marked improvement in their health condition. The mountain had moved but the participants needed to exercise more faith to make sure that the mountain is thrown into the sea.
The tremendous enthusiasm and faith had been very helpful in securing the exciting miracles that God had for these participants. The night ended with a glorious note – with everybody giving thanks to God with an exuberant applause. My team which consisted of my wife, Sister Grace and her father, Brother Ong, returned home with much joy in our hearts.
Reported by Rev Albert Kang
Coordinator, Elijah Challenge Asia