January 2008

Emmanuel Church of Singapore was founded over thirty years ago, and for several years the leadership was seeking the Lord for revival. Over some seven hours The Elijah Challenge trained the people how to heal the sick as Jesus commanded His disciples. During the training the Lord encouraged the people by touching some infirm people physically as the believers laid hands on them. At the Sunday morning worship the following day the trained saints stepped onto the battlefield to engage the enemy. After the gospel was preached, the believers laid hands on the infirm as they had been taught to demonstrate that Jesus Christ indeed has authority to forgive sin.

After a few minutes of ministry, several people came forward with testimonies. The most noteworthy one concerned a middle-aged man who had been unable to swallow anything—even his own saliva—for about half a year. There was some kind of blockage in his esophagus which directed everything he swallowed into his lungs. He had to be fed via a stomach tube. During the time of healing ministry, his son along with some of the other youth laid hands on him. Immediately afterwards, he took a sip of water and discovered that he was able to swallow it normally. After the service during lunchtime in the Fellowship Hall he was seen enjoying a cup of milk. The next day he was eating rice porridge. There were others who testified as well of being healed. The people had never before witnessed such things at Emmanuel and were very excited and encouraged.

This was an encouraging miracle for a modern, prosperous and westernized city like Singapore where many people can speak English fluently. Typically, miracles in such environments are fewer and less impressive than miracles in India or Africa. Leader Tee Hock Seng was very enthusiastic witnessing what the Lord did in and through the congregation. He commented that the teaching was very Scriptural and so without reservation they will continue to apply it to heal the sick for the proclamation of the Kingdom of God.