The Elijah Challenge in Brazil: July 2016

The Elijah Challenge Mission to Brazil – July 2016

In July the Elijah Challenge will have a team in Brazil to train churches and pastors how to preach the gospel with power as Jesus did and as He commanded His disciples. 

Luke 10:9 Heal the sick and tell them, “the kingdom of God has come hear to you.”

Our long-term goal is to train the body of Christ in Brazil to reach its Northeast Region—known as a spiritual wilderness—with the gospel. Whereas the gospel is spreading in other areas of Brazil, the wasteland of the Northeast has resisted the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Prevalent there are powerful witchcraft and various strains of idolatry mixed in with traditional Roman Catholicism. In the town of Juazeiro do Norte situated in the northeastern state of Ceará, for example, “Padre Cicero” is worshiped.

Image of “Padre Cicero” atop mountain overlooking Juazeiro do Norte
Further up northeast in Ceará a huge statue of Saint Francis (below) arises from the plain and stands guard over the town of Canindé.
The Church in Brazil’s Northeast Region is for the most part struggling and ineffective for the gospel. Brazil is the fifth most populous nation on earth following China, India, the USA, and then Indonesia.
One of the major cities in the Northeast Region, Recife, is now Ground Zero for the Zika virus.

Please pray for us as we train the Church in Brazil this July and beyond. May the Lord make us very fruitful in equipping the churches in the Northeast to fulfill the Great Commission. May He graciously protect us from the Zika virus and keep us in good health throughout.



Reports from earlier Elijah Challenge Events in the Northeast Region

Miraculous healings in Fortaleza—the most violent city in Brazil

Many miraculously healed & saved during house-to-house visitation in Brazil