Miraculous healings at an African-American Church in Houston

On the final evening of November 2010 The Elijah Challenge was introduced to Cullen Missionary Baptist Church, a congregation of note in the African-American community in Houston. The Senior Pastor is Robert Jefferson. We gave the folks an introduction to The Elijah Challenge Basic Training, and after that we had the believers minister healing to those with infirmities in accordance with the teaching.

The Lord was gracious, and at least ten people testified that the Lord had healed them. Pastor Eula Washington who leads another congregation in Houston had come to the meeting with her minister son and daughter but had forgotten her eyeglasses and could not see clearly. As Pastor Dorel Iseanu of Moldova (in Eastern Europe) touched her eyes and rebuked the infirmity in Jesus’ name, the Lord restored her eyesight. With a smile Sister Eula testified that she could see clearly. The wife of Pastor Louis Tomlinson of Houston was suffering from cataracts in her eyes, but as a believer touched her eyes in Jesus’ name she discovered that she could see clearly. These were just two of the several testimonies.

Afterwards Pastor Tomlinson approached us and shared that in all his many years of ministry he had never heard such teaching and presented with such clarity.

Afterwards we told the folks that the Lord entrusted this power and authority over disease and demons to them for the primary purpose of healing the sick and proclaiming the kingdom of God to the many lost sheep in the African-American community in Houston. The overwhelming majority of African-Americans have been to church and they know who Jesus Christ is. But most have fallen away—many into drug trafficking, drug addiction, and prostitution. These are the backslidden people of God who need to be brought back to their Lord.

That evening we taught the believers how heal the sick and cast out demons for the purpose of bringing God’s people back to Him and preparing them for the great and dreadful Day of the Lord. This is the purpose of the spirit of Elijah during these last days.