by The Elijah Challenge | Apr 12, 2018 | Leader Testimonies, Testimonies & Reports, Top Menu
. . “God was again faithful as I was able to share the Gospel in a jail here on our island. Due to security I was only able to bring in my Bible after the guards put a stamp (below) on my arm. I think this was to say that they had check my “body” for...
by Elijah Challenge | Mar 27, 2018 | Leader Testimonies, Testimonies & Reports, Top Menu
. On the second day (a Saturday) of an Elijah Challenge Training, one of our participants shared with the others a difficult situation surrounding her cousin who was about to give birth. She had a condition called “Placenta Percreta” which would require...
by Elijah Challenge | Mar 22, 2018 | Leader Testimonies, Testimonies & Reports, Top Menu
“We held 6 sessions for three hours each over two days. The young people were very enthusiastic and they all very hungry to receive the messages I gave in each session. When I gave the first demonstration at the end of the first session, a young man who had...
by Elijah Challenge | Feb 24, 2018 | Leader Testimonies, Testimonies & Reports, Top Menu
“This is a big Pentecostal Church two and a half hours from Mumbai. The believers are very well-educated and disciplined. I taught the Training for two days and afterwards in the evening there was a revival meeting followed by ministering...
by Elijah Challenge | Feb 23, 2018 | Leader Testimonies, Testimonies & Reports, Top Menu
Asia report from an Elijah Challenge-trained servant of God in the US who formerly served as a hospice chaplain as well as the headmaster of a Christian school “About 160 people show up, 60 ‘students’ from the previous two days and more than 100...