Message to us from our Coordinator in India—now the most populous nation in on earth “Yesterday I got a very encouraging call from a senior leader of the Church of North India known as CNI. [CNI is the largest mainline denomination in northern India, equivalent...
December 2023 Elijah Challenge Report from North India In District Ferozpur, Punjab, the first feeding event and gospel meeting took place. Local pastors extended invitations to people from nearby...
A man named Yesu Bhagavan was a member of this outlawed rebel group in India. He had been suffering from unbearable chest pain. Due to his political affiliation and having to move about from place to place, however, he did not have access to medical care. Somehow he...
Sharing from our India Coordinator, Pastor Subodh Jena who is based in Orissa . “This morning a wood seller stopped by our home in order to sell wood for our orphanage. After exchanging some pleasantries I asked him, “do you know Jesus?” I was...
“Thank you so much for your intercessory and financial support for the extension of His kingdom here in India even during this time of financial shortage for The Elijah Challenge. Please continue to pray for our work and for the present government here as they...
News from our Elijah Challenge Orphanage in Orissa, India Sebika, now enrolled at Bhawanipatna University in Orissa, won Second Prize at their debate competition . Over ten years ago The Elijah Challenge started an orphanage in the Fundamentalist Hindu state of...
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