by Elijah Challenge | Oct 31, 2011 | Asia, Indonesia, Reports, Southeast Asia
Pontianak, IndonesiaOctober 31, 2011 In October 2011 we introduced The Elijah Challenge to the leaders and workers of River Jordan Church, one of the larger churches in an area of West Borneo known as Singkawang. As you can see in the map below—look for the...
by Elijah Challenge | Oct 17, 2011 | Asia, Indonesia, Reports, Southeast Asia
Jakarta, IndonesiaThursday, June 16, 2011 The one-night Training was conducted at an Assembly of God Church in Bekasi, a suburb of Jakarta. Toward the end of the evening, we had the believers come forward to minister healing as they had just been taught. A...
by Elijah Challenge | Oct 17, 2011 | Asia, Asia World Reports, Indonesia, Reports, Southeast Asia
The paralyzed and blind healed in the name of Isa Almasih Miraculous healings in Indonesia in the name of “Isa Al Masih”—Jesus the Christ in Arabic Dead woman in West Java raised back to life by trained disciples 2013 Training & Evangelistic Events...
by Elijah Challenge | Oct 11, 2011 | Asia, Malaysia, Reports, Southeast Asia
Many with heart conditions run around spacious church sanctuary in Malaysia Ranau, Sabah, November 2011 Seminar Kesembuhan Ilahi dan KKR Kesembuhan Ilahi dengan Pdt. Davy Hernamus Miri, Sarawak, November 2011 Miracles prove to indigeous SIB Christians that Jesus...
by Elijah Challenge | Oct 11, 2011 | Asia, Malaysia, Reports, Southeast Asia
Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, MalaysiaJune 2011 The Elijah Challenge in Malaysia We were in Sabah, Malaysia to conduct the Basic Training in Kota Kinabalu, the capital of the state. We were there to follow up on what was done in Ranau, Sabah in November 2010 when we visited...