Received on March 18, 2023 from Prophetess Helen Oragwa of Soldiers of Christ International based in Nigeria:

“I am writing to ask for prayer assistance regarding the results of the examination by my cardiologist following three heart attacks. The wounds from the attacks resulted in a scar on my heart. Fear has overtaken me. Please pray for me so that this report from my cardiologist will be changed by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ. AMEN! I wish to testify on this altar.”

We then gave Sister Helen the contact number for Elijah Challenge-trained servant of God Sam Doland in Louisiana. She called Brother Sam and he ministered to her over the phone in the wondrous name of the Messiah Jesus.

On March 21 we received the following report from Sister Helen:

“It has happened that God has done it through Sam Doland! After having complained to a prophetic group a week ago, I was ministered to by Sam Doland of The Elijah Challenge. After that I went to see my cardiologist here in Nigeria. After examining me he confirmed that I am now free from the heart disease due to the enlargement of my heart after Sam prayed over and ministered to me. God has done it for me!”

Reports and testimonies of miraculous healing from heart disease

One thousand extraordinary reports of the miraculous from India