An “overwhelming” experience with Strategic-Level Spiritual Warfare that shook up a servant of God


“I was ministering [deliverance] to a very oppressed lady by Skype, and somewhat in frustration, I commanded the ‘superiors of the chief demon’ oppressing the lady to not give any more assignments against her.
In other words, I was addressing spirits of higher rank OUTSIDE of the lady, outside of those demons inhabiting her from which she personally needed to get free.
All of a sudden the air got incredibly thick, I felt an increasing weight on my chest, and a sense of great danger and foreboding. It quickly became overwhelming. I had to mute the screen while I took a moment to cancel my words just spoken and plead the protection of the blood. I did this several times over the next minute or so until I felt the evil and dread receding. I remained shaken up for several minutes afterwards.
Wow – what a lesson. As you can see, my actions/words were akin to what they call ‘strategic level spiritual warfare’. Of course, you [The Elijah Challenge] have warned the body against this.
Speaking theologically, it is not that we are not in a position superior to these higher spirits, and even Satan himself (‘resist the devil and he will flee from you’) since we are in Christ at the right hand of God. We have power and authority over them based on our position.
The problem is this: WE HAVE NOT BEEN GIVEN THIS REMIT (OR ORDERS) FROM OUR COMMANDING OFFICER, TO USE OUR POWER AND AUTHORITY TO ENGAGE THESE HIGHER SPIRITS AT THIS TIME. Therefore, we are operating rogue when we do this, and we have no cover from our forces. And that is serious danger.
Jesus dealt with personal deliverance. Period. This is why we should use prayers in front of an abortion clinic or other dark places, or over cities, not commands, or at least not commands to spirits whereby we engage them.”
Elijah Challenge Co-Worker Mark M.
August 7, 2020