During these Last Days we often hear of some well-known prophet going to a certain city or country, and there prophesying that a revival will break out which will eventually spread throughout the entire region or country.

Certainly a most encouraging and glorious prophetic word!.

But what is the Church to do after receiving such a word? What do we do after “revival” breaks out, if indeed it does? What should a believer do after he or she has been “revived” by the Holy Spirit?

In 1977 I was baptized in the Holy Spirit and totally immersed in God’s indescribable love. All I wanted to do was tell others about His love through His Son Jesus Christ. A year later in 1978 the Holy Spirit compelled us to leave America—and the American Dream—for the land of Indonesia to proclaim the kingdom of God to those living in absolute darkness. We spent nearly nine years there.

The ultimate purpose of “revival” during these Last Days should be for the Church to fulfill the Great Commission. It should not be merely to feel His inexpressible love, peace, and joy. Having experienced God’s presence, we should then OBEY and GO—preaching the gospel of the kingdom in the whole world as a testimony to all nations. Only after that the end will come.

We must send a huge army of well-trained and well-equipped workers to the Lord’s plentiful harvest fields around the world to “heal the sick who are there and tell them, ‘the kingdom of God has come near to you.’” We must do what the early disciples did in their time—take the gospel to the ends of the earth with irrefutable evidence that Jesus is the Messiah. Only when the Church obeys the Lord’s specific instructions regarding the proclamation of the gospel will the Great Commission be fulfilled.

Matthew 24:14
Luke 10:2
Luke 10:9
John 14:11-12


March 2020 Testimony from Elijah Challenge-trained missionary

“We were at Kuta Beach in Bali today and I was able to share with “Wayan” about how Jesus is the son of God and how the living God is jealous for a relationship. “Wayan” said that all gods are the same. We talked a little about what happens when we die. She was trusting that after she is cremated following her death, prayers from family and friends will help her. She knows about Jesus dying on the cross, but did not know He rose from the dead and was the Son of God.
I told her that if she followed Jesus she would not have to worry about the prayers of her friends and Jesus would take her to heaven.
Then I told her I could prove that He was the son of God by healing her pain. She had pain in her arm as she is a massage lady on the beach.
A big smile came over her face as the pain left. The photo is me lifting her arm after she had flexed to see if there was no actual pain. There was much discussion about this with her friends about  there is only 1 God that heals and is jealous for our friendship!
…Evidence that Jesus does heal and is the Son of the true GOD!!”