“There is a region in India to which the government and even the police do not dare to venture. It’s a region under the complete domination of the feared Communist Maoists. But in the space of two months around 25 people accepted Christ following miraculous healings for the sick and the casting out of powerful demons from possessed people. Ten people will be baptized this Saturday.”

Elijah Challenge Co-Worker in India
October 29, 2020

Testimonies of miraculous healing and salvation in this region

“Today we baptized ten people. We did not perform the baptisms in their village due to the presence of the Maoists. We will perform another baptismal service for believers from that area next month in  December.

Within the space of two months, our Elijah Challenge workers have taken the gospel to 7 or 8 previously unreached villages in that most dangerous area controlled by the Maoists. House churches are now starting up in five of these villages, and in the remaining reached villages house churches will soon be meeting.

We will continue to plant house churches to reach our goal of 700 houses by the end of 2020.”

October 31, 2020