Village Panjeke is in Punjab


Reported by Joshua Gowda, TEC Training Centre Director in New Delhi

“We conducted an Elijah Challenge Feeding Event at Village Panjeke Punjab on 22nd February 2010. This village is a Punjabi Hindu village. We were informed that for eight years some of the Hindu fundamentalists did not allow Christians to hold any Gospel meetings there.

After eight years by the power of the Holy Spirit, Elijah Challenge-trained pastors were able to invite about 370 Punjabi Hindus to our Feeding Event during which we reaped a harvest of souls. Close to 365 Hindus gave their hearts to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Pastor P. K. Mashi called us on the telephone and told us that on Sunday the 28th of February, 2010 close to 190 people came to worship Jesus Christ. That was the very first Sunday service following the Feeding Event. In this way a new Elijah Challenge Church has been planted at Village Panjeke in Punjab, India.”


The Evangelistic Meeting

Leading worship from the stage with Indian musical instrument


The gospel is preached to the Hindus

Simon Haqq shares about Jesus Christ

The Hindus listen to the gospel 

About 365 Hindus accept Christ as Lord and Savior 


The infirm are healed (Luke 10:9)

Deepender Singh was suffering in his head and neck for three weeks because of his high school final examinations. He had taken expensive medication with no relief. Elijah Challenge-trained Pastor Sanjeev Singh ministered to him in the name of Jesus Christ and he was healed. He gave thanks to the Lord from the stage.


The villagers are fed


Luke 10:9 “Heal the sick who are there and tell them, ‘The kingdom of God is near you.’”