Jammu & Kashmir is the northernmost state of India and a site of frequent violent conflict between Hinduism & Isl–m.
This Feeding Event was a first for The Elijah Challenge in a particular way. Usually Elijah Challenge Feeding Events are held in unreached villages, but this one was held in a town for educated townspeople. Both Hindus and Musl__ms came to the Event, and well over 400 of them gave their lives to Jesus. The Lord is showing us that the Elijah Challenge Feeding Event approach can have wide application and is not limited only to reaching villages. Moreover, it is not limited to reaching Hindus, but is effective in reaching Musl__ms as well.
Director Joshua Gowda of The Elijah Challenge Training Center India wrote:
“Our Feeding Event was conducted on September 18 at Udampur in Jammu and Kashmir. There we also conducted the Basic Elijah Challenge Training for believers.
This Feeding Event was not among villagers, but among town people whose the literacy rate is 95%; most of them are educated people. It was our part unity to minister among educated people. Nearly 746 people came to the Feeding Event, both Hindus and Musl__m Jat people. Nearly 432 people committed themselves to the Lord Jesus Christ for the first time. Our Elijah Challenge-trained co-worker Brother Mattu worked hard to bring these people together. It was a very successful event.”
The trip to Udampur from New Delhi
Above: Passing through the hills on the way to Jammu & Kashmir in the north
Above & below: the army is almost everywhere patrolling this state torn by strife between Hindusim and Isl–m
Training the local pastors and believers
Abaove & below: training pastors & believers at Church of God Jammu & Kashmir
Preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to Hindus & Musl__ms
Pastor Simon Haqq sharing
Hindus and Musl__ms accept Christ as Lord and Savior
Luke 10:9 “Heal the sick who are there and tell them, ‘The kingdom of God is near you.’”