The city of Agra, home of the Taj Mahal, is in Uttar Pradesh
Reported by Joshua Gowda, TEC Training Centre Director in New Delhi
“Our May Feeding Event was conducted in Agra, the city which boasts the world-famous Taj Mahal [one of the eight wonders of the world]. People from all over the world come to see it.
On Monday, May 17, 318 people invited by our Elijah Challenge-trained Pastor Guddu attended the Feeding Event. Approximately 302 Hindus for the first time received the Lord Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. According to Pastor Guddu, since the Feeding Event took place, every day Hindu people keep on coming to visit him, asking him to pray for their problems and to heal their infirmities. On Sunday the 23rd of May, his church was filled with people. Since he started the ministry in 2004 this is the first time he could see his church completely packed! He joyfully shared this with me on the telephone.
We thank God for a very, very, effective, perfect model—The Elijah Challenge Evangelistic Feeding Event.“
Simon (left) and Joshua (right) in Agra standing before the world famous Taj Mahal
The gospel is preached to the Hindus
Hindus gave their hearts to the Lord Jesus Christ
Then the trained believers ministered to the sick in Christ’s name. Afterwards people gave public testimonies of what the Lord had done for them.
The sick testify of being healed by the Lord
Mrs. Janvie was suffering from headache for two weeks. She took many painkillers but they were of no use and the pain remained. She came to the Feeding Event and she asked our TEC-trained Brother Jaidev to minister to her. As Jaidev commanded the pain to leave in the name of Jesus Christ, it disappeared.
Mr. Suresh was suffering from pain in the fingers of his left hand. While he was riding his scooter three months earlier, he got hurt. There was so much pain in his fingers when he came to our Feeding Event. One of the believers in Pastor Guddu’s church healed him in the name of Jesus. He received total relief from the pain.
Miss Tamna had had a spirit of fear for six months. As TEC Pastor Guddu commanded the spirit of fear to come out of her in the name of Jesus, she was delivered and testified boldly from the stage.
The villagers are fed
Luke 10:9 “Heal the sick who are there and tell them, ‘The kingdom of God is near you.’”