Delhi in the north is the capital city of India


Reported by Joshua Gowda, TEC Training Centre Director in New Delhi

“On the 23rd of July our Elijah Challenge – Feeding Event was conducted at the town of Thrilok Puri in Delhi. Around 298 Hindus came to attend the Feeding Event and approximately 248 people gave their hearts to the Lord Jesus Christ.

According to our Elijah Challenge-trained co-worker and pastor, K. Massey, on Sunday, August 1, 168 people came to attend the worship service. Praise the Lord for this harvest.”


The area of Thrilok Puri in New Delhi


Preaching the gospel to the Hindu people

Ladies listening attentively to the gospel of Jesus Christ

Simon Haqq challenges the Hindus to follow Jesus Christ


Testimonies of healing

Mrs. Laxmi Dev had been suffering from spinal pain for two weeks; she was healed in the name of Jesus

“The Lord healed my hand!”

Feeding the villagers


Luke 10:9 “Heal the sick who are there and tell them, ‘The kingdom of God is near you.’”