Panapur is in Uttar Pradesh, about two hours from Nepal in the north
Director Joshua Gowda of The Elijah Challenge Training Center India wrote:
“Our Feeding Event was held at Shajanpur, Village Panapur. One of our Elijah Challenge-trained pastors, Honok Mashi, lives in this village. On 14th December 2008 we conducted our Evangelistic Feeding Event. Our sister Brenda Powell from The Elijah Challenge USA was supposed to be in this event but due her health problems she couldn’t join us. In Panapur most of the people are farmers and they live in mud houses. The population of the whole village is close 780 people (five Muslim families and rest of them are Hindus). For our Feeding Event close to 460 came to attend, and close to 410 people raised their hands to receive Christ as their personal Saviour.
Our TEC–trained Pastor Honok started Elijah Church at Panapur on [the following] Sunday and close to 240 people came to attend the worship service. We praise God for the wonderful harvest for His Glory!”
The venue: Shajanpur, Village Panapur
Hindus came to attend the Event
Director Joshua Gowda of The Elijah Challenge Training Centre India (right)
Hindus gather to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ
Above & below: Pastor Simon Haqq proclaims the kingdom of God
The sick are healed according to Luke 10:9
Sumitra Devi was not able to see clearly, but afterwards she could see clearly
Dharmvati suffered from back pain. After Sunit, the wife of Pastor Honok, laid hands on her, she testified about her healing from the stage
Feeding the people