The Elijah Challenge Herald
O c t o b e r 2 0 1 1
Preaching repentance in the spirit & power of Elijah
The Elijah Challenge trains disciples of Christ to heal the sick as Jesus taught and commanded His disciples when He sent them out to preach repentance and proclaim the kingdom of God (Luke 10:9).
In this issue:
· Adelaide, South Australia: The Elijah Challenge
· Medical doctor in Brazil boldly heals the sick in Jesus’ name
· Open-air Outreach in Adelaide, Australia
· Texas: Baptist believers issue an Elijah Challenge
· Hundreds healed & hundreds saved in Uganda
· Muslim jailer & detainees in Turkey see miracles as in the Book of Acts
· Article: Your place & standing in the next age
· Barbalha, Brazil: the blind see, the deaf hear
· Funds needed to train village pastors in Hindu Nepal
Ministries of leaders who trained with The Elijah Challenge
Read their powerful testimonies & reports
Read their powerful testimonies & reports
Elijah Challenge Training Events in 2011
Click here for details of these Events
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Elijah Challenge Teachings & Articles
Some of our historic meetings
Your church or group can be equipped with The Elijah Challenge
Both conservative evangelical as well as charismatic pentecostal churches have been trained more info
The Esther Challenge: Seminar on Beauty and the Christian Woman
Taught by Lucy more
Giving Investments to The Elijah Challenge
Tax benefits from donating securities—whether they have appreciated or declined in value more info
Mailing address:
P. O. Box 168
Barker, Texas 77413-0168
P. O. Box 168
Barker, Texas 77413-0168
The Elijah Challenge
The Elijah Challenge equips every believer according to John 14:12 to heal the sick as Jesus taught and commanded His disciples in order to demonstrate to the world and to God’s backslidden people that He is the only way to the Father. It has been accepted by both evangelical and charismatic churches and has brought reconciliation and unity. It is instrumental in equipping the Church to fulfill the Great Commission. The time of the superstar “one-man-show” evangelist is fading and the time of the nameless disciple is at hand. Like the apostle Peter we do not bring you “silver or gold,” but what we have we give you: we will equip you to heal the sick in Jesus’ name (Luke 10:9) to reach the most gospel-resistant people groups.