Tom Briggs and Salt Ministries hosted and trained with The Elijah Challenge in January 2009
Deliverance from alcoholism and other testimonies
Jesus healed a homeless guy’s back through me Tuesday afternoon while I was “on duty” manning my “watchtower” at the corner of Hwy 18 and Auburn Way South. His friend asked me to deliver him from alcohol spirits. The back was healed… but, the spirits? I said , “Yes,” by faith.
Ken, the alcoholic from whom I cast out alcohol spirits on Tuesday, came by my “watchtower” again this afternoon (Thursday). I asked him “how goes the battle with alcohol…any difference?” He said, “better” and said he got sick when he tried to drink again! He thanked me again and was very grateful for my concern and prayer for him on Tuesday and wished God’s blessing on me….the Kingdom of God is nigh to him.
Tonight Thadeus and I went to Tacoma for the weekly “Under the Bridge” homeless feeding held by multiple churches. It was dim and crowded, very noisy due to the rock ‘n roll band. I lifted our little sandwich board over my head advertising “Free Prayer for Healing” and held a flashlight on it with my other hand and walked among the crowd. Robert got healed of spinal curvature due to old back injuries and the back pain left. Kathy was delivered of migraine symptoms (headache and nausea) and shoulder pain. Another man was healed from arthritic pain in his shoulders and from upper back pains. Another man wanted deliverence from alcohol demons. Another man asked us to heal his son’s tumor “long distance-style.” We believe healing has begun. (I told him to come next week to testify to us and the crowd). We definitely will go back next Friday night as many homeless are “steady comers” to this event, and I will bring my bullhorn for more bold presence and presentation of the real and only Bible Jesus. His gospel will be preached with signs following! Those we talked to received gospel tracts and were more than willing to take them after what Jesus did for them through us.
Reported on January 24
Here are a few miracles God did through His street preaching servants of Salt Ministries at Pioneer Square as we boldly and loudly preached the salt and light of God’s commands for sinners everywhere to repent and believe the Gospel.
I can’t speak for the seven other faithful laborers, but I asked Tony if he had any aches and pains. He said his legs felt on fire and his ankle hurt. I laid a hand on each knee and commanded the pain to get out in Jesus’ Name. He was totally healed, except his ankle still hurt. I laid my hand on his ankle and commanded it to be healed, and it was! He was very surprised and was rejoicing! An hour later, he came back and was still all smiles.
Next was Michael—a backslidden homeless man with a limp and cane. Thad, John, Jeremiah, and Elizabeth laid hands on his spine, hips, legs and after three commands, Michael was totally delivered from pain. Two hours later he demonstrated his healing received from the Lord by climbing a tree and running and jogging! He gave us his cane as a testimony to others. Michael also had a cataract growing over his right cornea. I laid my fingers over his closed eyelid and after I commanded twice in Jesus’ Name and authority, he could see better. He is expecting a recovery in total.
On the darkside, a homeless man joined us uninvited and started “amen”-ing us, and chiming in with his Bible verses. He sounded like a preacher of righteousness, BUT soon the demon(s) manifested as he began rebuking us, accusing us of falsehoods, and so forth. His demon challenged us to cast him out of the rebrobated ex-Christian. He finally shut up and left the area. This is very similar to the fortune teller who hounded Paul saying he was preaching the way to God, and so forth. And Paul cast the demons out of her. This man won’t get delivered from his demons until he is falling into the hands of the angry and living God on Judgment Day!
[Editor’s note: People who consciously want their demons generally cannot be delivered from them. God honors their free will.]
Reported on February 5
I healed a woman’s arthritic knee on Wednesday. (The Lord, not I—I say it that way in order to instruct new inquirers of their authority to do the same in His stead as His ambassador.) I lose count of all the people God has been touching through my, and Open Air Seattle’s obedience to preaching the REALLY GOOD NEWS, ALL of it! Some of us make opportunities to minister The Elijah Challenge [by healing the sick and casting out demons] more than others of us do during our weekly routines and job schedules. But we as a team have been going back to Pioneer Square each weekend since you left Seattle, and each time people have been healed of various ailments, demons, etc. We are being faithful with the “talents” God has given us through you.