World Reports
Disciples around the world are using The Elijah Challenge teaching to spread the Gospel to difficult people groups. Here are some of the most recent reports!
Biblical miracles produce a big harvest of souls for the kingdom of God in INDIA — the world’s most populous nation
December 2023 Elijah Challenge Report from North India In District Ferozpur, Punjab, the first feeding event and gospel meeting took place. Local pastors extended invitations to people from nearby...
Member of banned Communist Party of India accepts Jesus Christ after miraculous healing
A man named Yesu Bhagavan was a member of this outlawed rebel group in India. He had been suffering from unbearable chest pain. Due to his political affiliation and having to move about from place to place, however, he did not have access to medical care. Somehow he...
INDIA: I asked the man, “Do you know Jesus?” He answered, “what street does he live on”? (He had never heard of Jesus.)
Sharing from our India Coordinator, Pastor Subodh Jena who is based in Orissa . "This morning a wood seller stopped by our home in order to sell wood for our orphanage. After exchanging some pleasantries I asked him, "do you know Jesus?" I was astonished to...
The husband of an elderly woman suffering pain for 5 years forbade her to attend our house church to receive miraculous healing. So she went secretly…
“Thank you so much for your intercessory and financial support for the extension of His kingdom here in India even during this time of financial shortage for The Elijah Challenge. Please continue to pray for our work and for the present government here as they...
Little orphan Sebika did not know how to hold a pencil when she first came to us 10 years ago. She just won 2nd prize in her university debate competition.
News from our Elijah Challenge Orphanage in Orissa, India Sebika, now enrolled at Bhawanipatna University in Orissa, won Second Prize at their debate competition . Over ten years ago The Elijah Challenge started an orphanage in the Fundamentalist Hindu state of...
Despite medical treatment, a Hindu woman suffered from painful disease in her uterus for two long years. But Jesus healed her.
“Thank you so much for your intercessory and financial support for the gospel of His kingdom here in India through miraculous healings and deliverance from demons.” Selected reports from among many… “A Hindu woman named Gouri Nayak (below) suffered from a very...
“As 2023 comes to an end, my heart is grateful for The Elijah Challenge” by Dr. Henry Ng
. A December 2023 posting by Dr. Henry Ng on WhatsApp . As 2023 comes to an end, my heart is grateful for The Elijah Challenge. Consider this. For the majority of church goers, they will spend their entire lives, asking God for health, wealth, success, spiritual power...
NEPAL: House church started in the home of the sister of a witchdoctor after miracles in Jesus’ name
Report from Elijah Challenge Nepal Coordinator Brother Tee Joo Tatt . A new house church was started by our Elijah Challenge-trained worker Santa Tamang. The house is the witchdoctor's sister's house. . [video width="368" height="640"...
NEPAL: House church planted in home of former witchdoctor after his son was miraculously healed in Jesus’ name
Report from Elijah Challenge Nepal Coordinator Brother Tee Joo Tatt . In 2021 Brother Joo Tatt went to Nepal to train ten of the Lord's servants with The Elijah Challenge. As of August 2023, they have planted 16 house churches. Below is his report from the...