World Reports
Disciples around the world are using The Elijah Challenge teaching to spread the Gospel to difficult people groups. Here are some of the most recent reports!
Demon-possessed Hindu man completely out of control would attack people with knife and other weapons
Demon-possessed Hindu man completely out of control would attack people with knife and other weapons (click for the testimony) . From the Fundamentalist Hindu state of ORISSA/ODISHA in India where baptism is ILLEGAL: Over 2,800 reports of biblical miracles: over...
INDISPUTABLE EVIDENCE for the gospel: over 2,800 testimonies of biblical miracles in INDIA since 2018
Over 2,800 testimonies since 2018 with videos . (Click to read and watch videos) . INDIA - Since 2018 over 2,800 reports of miracles: over 70,000 believers and over 2,000 house churches and 50 Unreached People Groups reached since 2018 (despite COVID) through...
FINANCIAL SUPPORT REQUESTED to EQUIP & SEND mission workers—just as Jesus EQUIPPED & SENT His disciples to proclaim the kingdom of God & to heal the sick
From what is now taking place around the world especially in Israel, it appears that we are now in fact in the Last Days. However, before the end comes, the Church must fulfill the Great Commission by discipling all nations and people groups (Matthew 24:14;...
High caste Hindu man extremely devoted to idols slips and falls unconscious while worshiping idol
“Thank you so much for your intercessory and financial support for reaching the Unreached People Groups here in India.” . Selected reports from among many… . High caste Hindu man extremely devoted to idols slips and falls unconscious while worshiping idol...
Hindu man who suffered from partial stroke on one side of his body was terrified of major stroke
“Thank you so much for your intercessory and financial support for the extension of His great kingdom here in India. Praise the Lord for using our harvest workers to reach the unreached so fruitfully.” . Selected reports from among many… . Hindu man suffered...
VIETNAM: Many miraculously healed as IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE that Jesus has authority to forgive sin to grant eternal life
. February 2025 Above is our Evangelistic Healing event in Saigon. First the gospel of our Messiah Jesus was proclaimed from Mark 2:1-12. After that the newly-trained Vietnamese disciples and servants of God healed the sick in the wondrous name of Jesus...
Extraordinary ENDORSEMENT for The Elijah Challenge
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Punjab, INDIA: Punjabis miraculously healed, delivered from demons, and filled with the Holy Spirit
Many testimonies of miraculous healing in Boyolali, INDONESIA; Muslim woman accepts Christ
. Leticia testifying in the Indonesian language . The Lord's blessing and grace were abundant last Thursday and Friday at our Elijah Challenge Training in Boyolali, Central Java. We were told that servants of God from 50 ministry organizations were present for the...