Extraordinary reports from our harvest workers in India 

“Greetings to you in the precious name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Thank you so much for your prayers and support. Last month God was so good to us and to the ministry He has graciously entrusted to us. He did great things enabling us to reach previously unreached regions.

From the beginning of the month I have been getting reports from our Elijah Challenge workers who are reaping harvests for the kingdom of God. I have also visited a few newly-planted house churches. By the grace of God, each month hundreds of sick people are healed and accept the Lord; thousands hear the gospel. In three different places new believers are ready to be baptized. Please pray for their protection. Praise the Lord!

A few selected reports…

Raju was addicted to alcohol. While drunk he would beat his wife and children. Twice his wife complained to the village chief about the beatings inflicted on her and the children every evening. And so a meeting was held, where in front of the villagers he promised he would not drink anymore. But the next day as usual he drank, and did the same thing. While our Elijah Challenge workers were ministering to someone else in the village who needed healing, Raju’s wife came and asked for their help. Our workers went to her house and while he was away ministered to him with authority by rebuking the spirit of alcohol addiction. It was really wonderful that beginning the next day he stopped drinking. The village chief asked her what our workers had done to her husband.

She told him that they had done something in the name Jesus. The village chief summoned our workers and asked them to tell him more about Jesus’ power. He then asked them to bless his crops, his farm animals and his family in Jesus’ name! He believed on Jesus and accepted him as his Savior. A house church has started in his home with five families attended the service. It seems likely many more souls will be added.

In a village called Deopachi, a 65-year-old man named Chania Naik had been suffering from some kind of wound in his stomach for a long time. He had difficulty eating. Although he had been under medication, his condition was not improving. He was very thin and weak. Our workers went to his village and ministered to him in Jesus’ name. For three days our workers continued to minister to him with the neighbors watching them. Each day he would feel better, and on the third day he felt completely healed. As a result, twelve people accepted Christ in that village. 

Khambari suffered from severe pain in his forehead. He would feel pain and then take a painkiller every day. One day our Elijah Challenge worker was passing through the village and saw him sitting there in pain. Our worker laid hands on him and ministered to him in Jesus’ name. Khambari experienced instant healing. For three months he had suffered terribly, but within a moment he was miraculously healed by the Lord. He believed on the Lord Jesus Christ.

In the village of Valleri a woman had been suffering from dysentery; her condition had deteriorated to the point of being dangerous. Even in the hospital the dysentery was out of control. Medication and glucose did not help. As soon as our Elijah Challenge workers ministered to her, the dysentery stopped suddenly. The Lord healed her in the hospital—as well as three other patients. Her family has accepted Christ.    

A village woman’s hand had been bitten by a mosquito. The next morning her hand was swollen and she was unable to raise it. She called the priest who spoke forth some mantras for her. Nothing happened. On the second day he returned to work his magic again, but still nothing happened. On third day her husband called our workers. They laid hands on her, ministering to her with authority in the name of Jesus. She was miraculously healed.    

Praise the Lord!”

– Elijah Challenge Co-Worker in India, July 2019

The Elijah Challenge equips harvest workers to reach resistant people groups effectively and fruitfully by training them to heal the sick miraculously as Jesus did (John 14:11-12)—as irrefutable and compelling evidence that Jesus is the Messiah and the only way to the One True God who created the heavens and the earth.