My dear beloved Brother William,


Praise the Lord for your encouraging letter which makes me feel more confident in my new ministry “Healing the Sick”. I can say to you under the presence of the Holy Spirit that the three-day Elijah Challenge Training in Singapore last August 2024 has changed my ministry a lot. I realize now healing the sick and casting out the evil spirits are much more important for winning lost souls to the Kingdom of God. For nearly one week I listened to your teaching again and again on my ceIIphone with which I recorded your teaching at the training.

My dear brother! Some nights I couldn’t sleep, just dreaming to be used by God in the healing ministry.

You will be surprised and happy to hear that I, your new student, a pastor from Vietnam, at a recent service dared to preach the same passage from Mark 2:1-12—just like you did at your training event in Singapore.

This was very important and very interesting. I applied exactly what you did and taught me in Singapore.

Can you imagine that?

I prayed to the Lord Jesus: “Lord Jesus! Today I will be doing ‘healing the sick’ as I have learned from your servant William. Please confirm this is a new ministry you want me to do from now on. The sick I will be ministering to today must be healed in the name of Jesus to prove that God uses me. Thank you Jesus! Amen!”

And you know, even I was also very astonished when in Jesus’ name four sick people were healed at the meeting this morning: one man of 80 years old healed of backache; one man and other two women over 60 years old also can hear better after I commanded their hearing to be restored. Hallelujah!

I believe I will follow your example to win more and more people to the Kingdom of God through the healing ministry. Much love and God bless, my dearest brother!


In Vietnam I will start this ministry in October 2024 after I return home. I will go to the countryside, to the highlands and to the provinces to hold healing meetings to win people to the Kingdom of God.
Hallelujah! Amen!
Thank God so much for giving the right time to become your disciple so that I can do more great things to expand the Kingdom of Christ Jesus.
Thank you so much for considering me as your new disciple in Vietnam.

– Vinh, His son and your younger brother