The Elijah Challenge held a four-session Healing Encounter for the congregation of Pastor Blamon of Bethel World Outreach Church in Trenton, New Jersey. The believers received the teachings from Scripture with hungry hearts, learning how to minister healing according to principles gleaned from the ministries of the Lord Jesus and His servants Peter and Paul. As they applied what they learned in the sessions, the Lord healed several infirmities through them. A sister ministered to a believer who had had pain up to her hip and down her leg. As the sister spoke with authority to the infirmity commanding it to leave, the pain left completely. Now this congregation is prepared to reach out with the love and power of the name of Jesus Christ to the city of Trenton. They are expecting a harvest of souls. The Lord willing, The Elijah Challenge will minister next year in Liberia, West Africa, the home country of many of the Bethel believers.