Training disciples in India today as Jesus trained his Twelve disciples to fulfill the Great Commission

Preaching the gospel in the Third World: the approach used by the disciples in the gospels & Acts RESTORED

100 house churches in India planted by 72 trained workers—in one year

Luke 9:1 When Jesus had called the Twelve together, he gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases, 2 and he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.

Luke 10:9  Heal the sick who are there and tell them, “the kingdom of God has come near to you.”

Based on the above, we conclude that today we are to heal the sick exactly as Jesus did in the gospels with the use of his authority and power—and not according to the traditions we may have picked up in church. As we study the gospel accounts and understand the principles by which Jesus healed the sick and then apply those same principles for ministering to the sick today, we are seeing many healed miraculously in Jesus’ name. The powerful miracles confirm the truth of the gospel to those who never heard.

The Elijah Challenge is now doing this very fruitfully in Asia, where the majority of the population still lives in rural and village regions—as yet mostly untouched by the gospel.

We choose disciples with a village background, and then train them by taking them from village to village just as Jesus did with his disciples. Accompanied by these disciples we preach the gospel, heal the sick and cast out demons in the villages. Powerful miracles take place just as we read in the gospels and in Acts. After the disciples are trained we send them into unreached villages where they themselves will in the same way heal the sick and proclaim the kingdom of God to those who never heard the life-giving gospel. 

In a certain predominantly Hindu Asian country these trained disciples go from village to village. Going door-to-door they heal the sick miraculously with the Lord’s power and authority, and then proclaim the kingdom of God. Entire villages are coming to Jesus Christ as they witness the powerful miracles and hear the gospel of the kingdom of God. House churches are formed in each village. No formal Bible School education or “special” calling is required to do this; every disciple—represented by the 72 disciples in Luke 10—can be trained to preach the gospel in this way. These disciples will in time train still other disciples in the same way, and so on and on, resulting in an exponential increase in trained disciples to fulfill the Great Commission during these Last Days. In this way our goal is to reach 700 new villages by 2020.

The details

Twelve workers from a village background are selected. Over a period of two months they are trained as outlined above. After the two months each worker of the twelve is sent to an unreached region where he will reach seven villages. After this a second batch of 12 disciples is chosen and trained in the same way. After two months of training, this second batch is sent out as was the first batch. This process is repeated over and over. And every disciple will in time train still other disciples/workers in the same way. The Elijah Challenge financially supports each worker who is sent out to an unreached region in this way.

Some of our trained harvest workers in Orissa & Chhattisgarh as of August 2018
(massive flooding in India kept some from coming)


Trained harvest workers as of October 2018


Please click on the links below to read reports and testimonies from the field as we carry out this plan.


First Batch of 12 Disciples (plus trainer)

September 2017 Training: 1st batch of 12 disciples go house-to-house healing the sick & sharing the gospel

December 2017 Training: 1st batch of 12 disciples go house-to-house healing the sick and preaching the gospel

January 26, 2018 Report from the Field from First Group of Twelve Disciples

Five families from Hindu village accept Christ after boy miraculously healed from sickle cell anemia

March 2018 Report from our First Batch of Disciples: villagers coming to Christ after the sick healed and demons cast out

May 3, 2018 Report: So far 13 house churches planted by trained disciples

Almost 75 families in two unreached villages accept Christ Jesus following miraculous healings



Second Batch of 12 Disciples (plus trainer)

January 2018: the Training of our 2nd batch of 12 Disciples

Training for Second Batch of 12 Disciples in Orissa – February 2018

Second Batch: Village chief accepts Christ following miraculous healing of demon-possessed daughter

Training for the Second Batch of Disciples – February & March 2018

Second Batch of Disciples: Woman miraculously healed from mental disease

God uses newly-trained disciples to heal man suffering from severe stroke

May 3, 2018 Report: So far 13 house churches planted by trained disciples

May 23, 2018 Report: Man with sickle cell anemia healed; 8 families accept Christ

May 25: Miraculous healings & families accept Christ in the state of Chhattisgarh

August 2018: Witchcraft and false gods put to shame by the Living God

September 2018: the sick are healed & demons cast out; villagers accept Christ



Third Batch of 12 Disciples (plus trainer)

May 31, 2018: Miraculous works through disciples opens villages for the gospel


Reports of the miraculous with Elijah Challenge workers in the harvest field of India

“Ordinary” harvest workers in India doing the miraculous works that Jesus did (cf. John 14:11-12)

MORE POWERFUL REPORTS from Elijah Challenge-trained workers doing the works that Jesus did

600+ disciples in Brazil go door-to-door & to the streets preaching the gospel; 1,920 healed & 1,440 accept Christ in one week

August 2018: 24 new house churches in Orissa & Chhattisgarh formed so far in 2018

Trained workers in India healing the sick and proclaiming the kingdom of God – September 2018

September 2018: 28 new house churches planted by trained workers so far in 2018