In 1979 my wife and I settled in an unreached region of West Kalimantan which is a province of Indonesia located on the island of Borneo. There were no believers in Jesus Christ in this village known as Biang.

We began by inviting people to come hear the gospel in our home. One day a Chinese woman, an idol-worshiper and the wife of a local coffin-maker, came by. She needed healing. She told us that she had been cursed by a witchdoctor, and as a result she could not see with her left eye. Even worse, she felt constant sharp pain in the eye, as if her eye was being jabbed by a needle.

“Can your Lord help me?”, she asked in Hakka dialect of Chinese.

My wife, who could speak in Hakka Chinese, began by sharing with her about our Lord Jesus. Having been raised in a Baptist-like church in Jakarta, she shared the gospel with an approach similar to the approach taught in the Four Spiritual Laws.

After hearing all about the Four Spiritual Laws, the woman asked, “who is Jesus”?

I stepped forward and asked my wife to translate for me. “If Jesus heals you miraculously, will you believe in Him?”

Being from a traditional Christian background, Lucille was reluctant to translate it for me. “What if she’s not healed?” It would be wiser (and of course less risky) simply to share the gospel with the woman, bless her, and then leave the results up to God. But I was a relatively new believer with no traditional church background. And I had read in the gospels and Acts how many sick people were miraculously healed through Jesus or His disciples. Afterwards they would believe in Jesus as their Messiah. I simply wanted to do what I saw Jesus and His disciples do in the gospels and Acts.

“Just translate it for her, Lucille. Ask her if she’s healed, will she believe in Jesus?”

After some hesitation, Lucille translated my question to her in Hakka Chinese. She responded, “yes”.

After that I laid my right hand over the woman’s left eye and rebuked the pain sharply in the name of Jesus. “In the name of Jesus Christ, BE HEALED!!!”

Then I turned to Lucille and said, “ask her if the pain is gone”.

Again she hesitated. “What if she’s not healed? Then for sure she won’t believe in Jesus!”

“Please, Lucille, just ask her if it still hurts!”

“Are you healed, Auntie?” Lucille asked.

She blinked. Then she said, “When you put your hand on my eye and said your “mantra”, I felt a cool sensation in the top of my head. As you continued, it slowly spread down through my head into my heart. When the coolness reached my heart, I felt a wonderful release and sense of peace. And the pain in my eye? It’s gone!”

She decided to believe in Jesus Christ. The news spread by word of mouth that the Lord proclaimed by the missionaries was real. More and more people came to hear the gospel. Within three months, fifty people had received Jesus as their Lord and Savior in a remote region of Indonesian Borneo previously untouched by the gospel.

The “tip of the spear” which will help accelerate reaching Unreached People Groups — those which are highly resistant to the gospel — is the restoration of the miraculous works as recorded in the gospels and Acts.

This “tip of the spear” is now being restored for reaching such resistant People Groups for the fulfillment of the Great Commission during these very Last Days.


PROOF that Jesus is the only way to heaven: 2,500 testimonies of biblical miracles from the most populous nation in the world

ACCELERATING the Great Commission by sending ONE MILLION gospel workers to the Third World