From Jim Hathaway who trained with The Elijah Challenge in 2008
September 2024
I am back from Juarez, Mexico with some photos and videos of my time there! I continue to work with my partner and translator, Pst. Chuy since 2008. We are both getting “long in the tooth” and do not seem to have the energy like we used too for ministry as well as the weather was 34 degrees Centigrade with no A/C! Napping in the afternoon was mandatory!
 Pst. Chuy, living by faith, has worked in one of the poorest areas in Juarez for over 30 years.  Many homes are made of bedsprings and pallets.
The events and training did not go quite as planned but the outcome was still great. I am looking to go back to Juarez October 2025.
In total there were about 25 folks miraculously healed including: a fellow 5 years not walking due to stroke, 1 woman delivered from witchcraft and a man that had all of his toes cut off, now pain free.
Over 40 people came forward for salvation, the real highlight!! At one meeting everyone that came forward for healing was healed.
The two videos below are of the stroke victim now walking. When asked to testify, he leaped out of his chair. So amazing!!
To watch videos click on: